Drought monitoring in Cambodia
This dataset shows the drought anomaly index, as of 12 July 2015. This denotes areas of the country affected by water shortages. The information is based on satellite data of th...
Landslide points over whole country in Vietnam
This is a data set of landslide points and high risk of landslide warnings across Vietnam.
Natural disasters in the Lower Mekong 1990-2015
This dataset was built from search criteria on the EM-DAT database to find the number of floods, storms, droughts and earthquakes per years int he five Lower Mekong countries. ...
Deaths from natural disasters in the Lower Mekong 1990-2015
Data for the visualization published on the OD Mekong Disasters and emergency response page (https://opendevelopmentmekong.net/topics/disasters-and-emergency-response/). It show...