Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 1st Draft
The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving, man...
Mekong EIA Briefing: Environmental Impact Assessment Comparative Analysis In Lower Mekong Countries
The objective of this Report is to conduct a comparative analysis of EIA laws, policies, regulations, and guidelines in the Lower Mekong countries Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Th...
Regional Guidelines for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment
These draft Regional Guidelines on Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) have been collaboratively developed by the Regional Technical Working Group (RTW...
Environmental Impact Assessment in the Mekong Region
The work of the Mekong Partnership for the Environment, and the work of PACT, has been devoted to the role of EIA in achieving sustainable development. Through the work of PAC...
Research evaluation of economic, social, and ecological implications of the programme for commercial tree plantations
This report aims to evaluate the economic, social and ecological impacts of large-scale land concessions to plant rubber and make recommendations for the future management of la...
USAID Mekong ARCC Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Study for the Lower Mekong Basin: Main Report
Climate change impact and adaptation study for the Lower Mekong Basin, USAID and Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (ARCC) project main report.
Draft Law on Environment Impact Assessment: 6th Revision
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Draft Law on Environment Impact Assessment: 7th Revision
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Draft Law on Environment Impact Assessment: 5th Revision
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Draft Law on Environment Impact Assessment: 4th Revision
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Draft Law on Environment Impact Assessment: 3rd Revision
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Draft Law on Environment Impact Assessment: 2nd Revision
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Draft Law on Environment Impact Assessment: 1st Revision
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Aqua Monitor Surface Water Gain (1985-2016)
The Deltares Aqua Monitor is an open tool that detects land and water conversions globally, during the last 30 years at 30m resolution. Results of the Aqua Monitor only show com...
Mining - Development - Environment: Gaps between theory and practice
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List of_EIAs on September 2013
This is a list of record on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) received by a local organization in Cambodia, NGO Forum, as of September 2013. The table consists of 71 EIA...
Góp ý dự thảo quyết định cải tạo, phục hồi môi trường và ký quỹ CT, PHMT đối với khai khoáng 2012
Góp ý của Trung tâm Con người và Thiên nhiên (PanNature) cho bản dự thảo lần 2 Quyết định về cải tạo, phục hồi môi trường và ký quỹ cải tạo, phục hồi môi trường đối với hoạt độn...
Concession bibliography
The concession biography is compiled by the land and livelihood program of NGO Forum on Cambodia. A list of the publications and laws extends over various issues of (economic la...
Đánh giá tác động môi trường Thủy điện Sông Tranh 1, 2009
Công ty Cổ phần Sông Ba đã xây dựng thủy điện Sông Tranh 1 trên địa bàn huyện Nam Trà My, tỉnh Quảng Nam. Dự án đã được Bộ trưởng Bộ Công nghiệp phê duyệt tại Quyết định số 1705...
Đánh giá tác động môi trường ở Việt Nam: Từ pháp luật đến thực tiễn 2009
Báo cáo phân tích về khiá cạnh pháp lý cũng như hiện trạng thực hiện của hoạt động đánh gia tác động môi trường (ĐTM) nhằm cải thiện các quy định pháp luật cũng như cải thiện hi...