Power, progress and impoverishment: Plantations, hydropower, ecological change and community transformation in Hinboun District, Lao PDR
This report documents the contemporary ecological, social and economic transformations occurring in one village in Lao PDR’s central Khammouane province under multiple sources o...
Food and nutrition security atlas of Lao PDR
In the context of a growing body of data across multiple sectors in Lao PDR, the Food and Nutrition Security Atlas was published with the aim of providing an up-to-date synthesi...
Land, rubber and people: Rapid agrarian changes and responses in Southern Laos
This study examines rubber development in Bachiengchaleunsouk (Bachieng) District, Champasak Province, southern Laos, and argues these developments are largely benefiting fore...
Integrating wetland ecosystem values into urban planning: The case of That Luang Marsh, Vientiane Lao PDR
Integrating Wetland Ecosystem Values into Urban Planning: The Case of That Luang Marsh, is a joint study conducted by IUCN, WWF, the Lao National Mekong Committee, and the Scien...
Screen capture: National Institute of Post, Telecommunications and Information Communication Technology
This is the screen capture of National Institute of Post, Telecommunications and Information Communication Technology's information such as faculty, address, phone number, and e...
Economic zones in Vietnam provinces
A count of industrial estates and economic zones in each Province of Vietnam, based on a map from the Ministry of Planning and Investment featured in a UNIDO report. Collated fo...
Governing land for women and men
A technical guide to support the achievement of responsible gender-equitable governance of land tenure
Lao PDR environment monitor
The Lao Environment Monitor is the first of a series of monitors presenting a snapshot of environmental status and key trends and challenges in Lao PDR.
Exploring local leadership in Lao-based INGOs
The aim of this study is to understand how local leadership development is operationalised in the INGO sector in the social context of Laos. Until recently, leadership has been ...
Final report of the social assessment for the six served provinces and two unserved provinces of the Lao PDR land titling project
A social assessment study of the provinces affected in the Government of Laos' land titling project. Includes findings and issues of the social assessment, implications to proje...
Food security through livestock (cattle and buffalo) production: Case study at Phonxay District, Luang Phabang Province, Lao PDR
Research on livestock production systems in Luang Prabang province, Lao PDR, and the food security implications and opportunities in raising livestock.
Direction of agricultural and forestry development plans by 2020-2010 and five-year V plan (2001-2005)
Over the past years, especially during the period of implementation of the Resolution of the Sixth General Assembly, the Fourth Economic and Social Development Plan (1996-2000),...
Supporting the resolution of tenure-related disputes
This lesson will introduce a range of dispute resolution mechanisms that can contribute to a coherent dispute resolution system. We will review their relative advantages and dra...
Biodiversity assessment of the Mekong River in northern Lao PDR: A follow up study
The follow-up scoping survey presented in this report builds on the first rapid biodiversity scoping study of the upper stretches of the Mekong conducted in February 2003. It is...
Efficient management for sustainable intensification of rice-based farming systems
A case study of the Save and Grow project's work and successes in sustainably intensifying rice production in Laos, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Round table implementation meeting 2014: Speaking points of the Swiss Delegation
Swiss delegation commentary on a variety of issues, including food security, land management, civil society funding, the Lao PDR Sam Sang policy, unexploded ordnance, etc.
A political ecology of Jatropha promotion: Elucidating actors, narratives and local reality in the Lao PDR
This thesis aims to analyze the promotion of jatropha-based biofuel production in Laos in regard to policy narratives, the institutionalization of the private sector a...
Resettlement impacts of Nam Ngum 2 hydro-power project on community culture
This report examines the resettlement of people for Nam Ngum 2, a 615-megawatt hydroelectric dam in central Lao PDR. The author identifies several human and environmental rights...
Analysis of investments of China and other neighboring countries and their Influence on the development context in Lao PDR
A brief overview of foreign investment in Laos, predominantly from China, but also from other neighboring countries, and their effect on Laos' development, politics, and percept...
Poverty environment initiative (PEI) framework in Lao PDR
The Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) in Lao PDR aims to strengthen capacity of targeted central and provincial authorities to integrate poverty-environment concerns and opp...