Sub-Decree No. 221 on the land cutting of 39,345 square meters of land in Khnong Kraing Village, Taing Samrong Commune, Phnom Sruoch District, Kampong Speu Province from forest cover 2002 and economic land concession of the Pesco Industries (Cambodia) PTE for reclassification as the state private land and grand ownership to Mrs. Rath Sopheap
This sub-decree aims to cutting 39,345 square meters of land in Khnong Kraing Village, Taing Samrong Commune, Phnom Sruoch District, Kampong Speu Province from forest cover 2002...
Notice of establishment of commercial enterprise: China Great Cause (Cambodia) Investment Co., Ltd.
A webpage list showing company name and form of enterprise, address, business objective, business term, registered capital, name and nationality and current address of chairman.
Economic land concessions profile: Chhun Hong Rubber Better
A webpage list showing company name, address, director name and nationality, status of company registration with the Ministry of Commerce, legal papers and investment rights, EL...
Webpage capture on rubber cultivation development of Tan Bien Kampong Thom Aphivath Caoutchouc Co., Ltd.
This screenshot document is about a brief information of Tan Bien Kampong Thom Aphivath Caoutchouc Co., Ltd. and other information includes the company's type, place of registra...
On Investment Approval and Land Management Mechanism For Leasing or Concession to Cultivate Crops
This instruction is to implement the Law on Investment Promotion and the Decree of the Prime Minister on controlled businesses and concession activities in Lao PDR, ...
[Draft] Preliminary environmental and social impact assessment: Project investment on agro-industrial plantation (rubber)
Tan Bien Kampong Thom Aphivath Caoutchouc co., ltd issued an environmental and social impact assessment in purpose of assuring sustainability of rubber plantation. The aims of ...
[Draft] Environmental and social impact assessment: Agro-industry project of HLH Agriculture (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd in Kampong Speu province, Cambodia
HLH Agriculture (Cambodia) Co.,Ltd. is a limited liability individual enterprise. The company is registered with the Ministry of Commerce with an initial registered capital of ...
[Draft] Completed environmental and social impact assessment report (EIA) for agro-industrial plantation development plan for SK Plantaion (Cambodia) Pte.LTD
This is the environmental impact assessment report about a development project of a company received 6,509.27 hectares of land concession in Trapeang Kraham commune and Teun com...
[Draft] Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA): An investment project in rubber plant development and processing in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary, Sakream Commune, Prasat Balangk and Stoung District, Kampong Thom Province.
The objective of land use, BEAN HEACK Investment Co., Ltd, is to ensure sustainability of rubber plantations.
[Draft] Completed environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for Agro-industrial plantation in Kratie Province
DAU TU SAIGON-BINH PUOC (SBK) CO., LTD is a company with many years experiences in investing in agro-industry, rubber, in Vietnam. Mr. Dang Thanh Tam is the Chairman of the Boar...
Economic land concessions profile: Carmadeno Venture (Cambodia) Limited
A webpage list showing company name, address, director name and nationality, status of company registration with the Ministry of Commerce, legal papers and investment rights, EL...
Nothing sweet about it: how sugar fuels land grabs
Land grabbing is a bitter secret in the sugar supply chains of some of the world’s biggest food and beverage companies. Poor communities across the globe are in dispute or hav...
Economic land concessions profile: (Cambodia) Cane and Sugar Valley
A webpage list showing company name, address, director name and nationality, status of company registration with the Ministry of Commerce, legal papers and investment rights, EL...
ZONED OUT: A comprehensive impact evaluation of Mekong economic development zone
This report presents a study that applies publicly available information to assess foreign-invested economic development zones (EDZs) across the Mekong region. Analysis of EDZ's...
Special Economic Zones and Land Dispossession in The Mekong Region
Special economic zones (SEZs) have become a one-size-fit-all policy solution for governments eager to expand their industrial economy. Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet...
Sub-decree No. 02 on land reclassification
The 747 hectares of state land in Svay Chreas commune, Snoul district, Kratie province, where rubber were planted and was subjected to economic land concession, has been reclass...
Decision on revoked decision number 125 date 18 August 2014 on the establishment of the Commission Inter-ministerial to monitor survey and evaluate economic land concession
Revoked decision number 125 date 18 August 2014 of government on the establishment of the Commission Inter-ministerial to monitor survey and evaluate economic land concession
Sub-decree No. 119 on land reclassification
The 5 272,320 hectares of state land in the Sandan district of Kampong Thom province, where rubber were planted and was subjected to economic land concession, has been reclassif...
Building up land concession inventories: The case of Lao PDR
The national inventory of land purchases and leases in Lao PDR is unique in providing comprehensive in-depth analysis of the extent and impacts of large scale land acquisitions ...
Impacts of Land Concession on Rural Livelihoods in Central Laos
The findings of the present study show that concerned authorities at the provincial level have implemented the policy on turning land into capital differently in different provi...