Minerals Act, B.E. 2560 (2017)
The State has the duty to undertake mineral management with a view to achieving optimal benefits of the nation and the people in a sustainable manner, having regard to the equi...
Water Resources Act, B.E. 2561 (2018)
The allocation, use, development, management, maintenance, rehabilitation and conservation of water resources and rights in water shall be as provided in this Act except that in...
[Draft] Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA) on Limestones construction business project of China Sui Tai Rock Factory Co., Ltd
The main purpose of China Sui Tai Rock Factory's construction stone business project is to contribute to the sustainable development of construction stone by supplying construct...
estimates of mangrove cover and change reveal catastrophic deforestation in Myanmar
Mangroves are one of the world's most threatened ecosystems, and Myanmar is regarded as the current mangrove deforestation hotspot globally. This study demonstrates the impo...
Decentralization in Cambodia a look at current and future environmental and natural resources governace
Decentralization reform has been an ongoing objective of the Cambodian government to better address local needs, as well as strengthen efficiency of public service delivery and...
Soils types of Cambodia
Soil polygons. Attributes include: type of soil (FAO classification – full name), abbreviations, found in ‘FAO, 1988. FAO/Unesco Soil Map of the World Revised Legend, with corre...
Prakas no. 008 on the establishment of the community protected area "Prang Chamkar Kraom"
Prakas no. 008 on the establishment of the community protected area "Prang Chamkar Kraom" in multiple use areas in Prang village, Dang Peaeng commune and Chamkar Kraom village, ...
Prakas no. 009 on the establishment of the community protected area "Chroy Svay"
Prakas no. 009 on the establishment of "Chroy Svay" Community Protected Areas of multi-use areas in Chheu Neang village, Saray village, Phnum Sralau village, Kampong Sdam villag...
Prakas no. 108 on the recognition of the community protected area "Andoung Tuek"
Prakas no. 108 on the recognition of the community protected area "Andoung Tuek" Protected Areas in Botum Sakor National Park in Prai village, Chi Treh village, Ta Ok village, P...
Podcast by YoungEco: Environmental economy, ecosystems services and natural solutions
Dr. Phanith Chou is an environmental economist. He is an associate Professor at the Department of Community Development, Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). Dr. Phanith has ...
Stream by Young Eco podcast event recap
In this video series, there are 3 recap video including a recap of Stream by Young Eco event and recap of Stream Listener Club by Young Eco. Stream by Young Eco cooperated with ...
Greater Mekong Subregion Distribution of Mangroves; Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar (2016)
The Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) has generated a global baseline map of mangroves for 2010 using ALOS PALSAR and Landsat (optical) data, and changes from this baseline for six ep...
Podcast by YoungEco: Understand inclusive and water governance
Kaneka Keo serves as the Inclusion Mekong Regional Water Governance Project – Phase II Manager for Oxfam. In her role, Kaneka has responsibilities for overall project management...
Sustainable Forest Management in Myanmar
This power point presentation was presented at the Regional Workshop on “Enhancing Conservation and Sustainable Management of Teak Forests and Legal and Sustainable Wood Supply ...
Biodiversity and Conservation of Protected Areas Law
The draft law addresses the existing regulations pertaining to biodiversity and conservation of protected areas within the Union of Myanmar.
Presentation on "Sustainable Information Disclosure: Policies and Practices in China" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Development in Cambodia
This video is the presentation of Mr. Zhe Kong on the topic "Sustainable Information Disclosure: Policies and Practices in China" during the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Re...
Presentation on "ESG: Global and Cambodia's context" at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Development in Cambodia
This video is the presentation of Dr. Young Sopheak on the topic "ESG: Global and Cambodia's context" during the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for Sustainable Deve...
Welcoming and opening remarks at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG Reporting for sustainable development in Cambodia
This video show the welcoming remarked by Mrs. Sin Kimsean and opening remark by Dr. Joe Buckley at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on ESG reporting for sustainable development i...
ESG: Global and Cambodia's context
This slide presentation covers the principle of ESG, which stands for environmental, social, and governance, and encompasses a set of criteria utilized to assess an organization...
Using satellite technology to monitor forest data
The podcast "Stream by Young Eco" is produced by Young Eco under the Civil Society Organization Support Project: the Fund for the Hub of Civil Society Organizations, supported b...