VARIABLE: Township DESCRIPTION: Tonwnships within Myanmar SOURCE: Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) VARIABLE: TS_PCODE DESCRIPTION: Tonwnship Code SOURCE: Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) VARIABLE: HP_OBJECTID DESCRIPTION: Polygon ID based on GIS resource VARIABLE: HP_Hydropower DESCRIPTION: Number of power plant within township premises VARIABLE: HP_Status DESCRIPTION: Status of power plant such as planned, existing and cancelled/postpone VARIABLE: HP_Lat DESCRIPTION: Latitude VARIABLE: HP_Lon DESCRIPTION: Longitude VARIABLE: HP_X_UTM46, HP_X_UTM47 DESCRIPTION: X coordinates, Projection method in GIS VARIABLE: HP_Y_UTM46, HP_Y_UTM47 DESCRIPTION: Y coordinates, Projection method in GIS VARIABLE: HP_Basin DESCRIPTION: Nam of bassin from which rivers run into a sea VARIABLE: HP_River DESCRIPTION: Name of river within country premises SOURCE: ICEM (International Centre for Environmental Management)