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299 datasets found

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  • Power generation in Cambodia

    This power generation in Cambodia dataset is extracted from the Mekong Infrastructure Tracker database, which builds on existing data to present a comprehensive source of inform...

  • Cambodia atlas of gender and environment

    In 2017, the Asia Foundation initiated the “Atlas of Gender and Environment” project to provide a more in-depth understanding of how gender informs environment-related vulnerabi...

  • Community fisheries map for Cambodia (2011)

    This dataset provides 2011 geographic boundaries, size and the number of villages covered by each community fishery for which coordinates are available in Cambodia, as given by ...

  • Cambodia flood-prone areas 2013

    This dataset shows the flood-prone areas in Cambodia from March to November 2013. It is extracted from SERVIR-Mekong Surface Water Tool, which is an application allows for calcu...

  • Effect of flood disaster in Cambodia (1996-2021)

    This dataset reveals the effects of flood disaster in Cambodia from 1996 to 2021, showing the number of flood victims, including deaths, injuries, missing persons, house destruc...

  • Public Education Statistic (2015-2022)

    This dataset contains the statistics of public education in each province of Cambodia, where the numbers of student enrollment were mapped. In addition, it contains other releva...

  • Allocated land for social land concession

    This dataset shows information about the land concession implemented by The Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development (LASED) Phase3 Phase 2 which covers the LASED pha...

  • Road and railway networks in Cambodia (2012 & 2024)

    Road networks are produced by Open Street Map. ODC's map and data team extracted the data in vector format. Moreover, the polyline data of railway​ given by Save Cambodia's Wil...

  • Public transportation

    "This dataset contains a number of bus stops along with three different lines of the public service bus operated and provided by Phnom Penh Capital Hall’s City Bus. The first op...

  • Population census 2008

    This dataset shows the population census of the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2008, which shows the total population, total male population, total female population, total number of ho...

  • Management zones of natural protected areas (2019-2023)

    The dataset​ shows​ the​ management​ zones​ of​ the​ natural​ protected​ areas​ in​ 4​ classifications​ such​ as​ core​ zone,​ conservation​ zone,​ sustainable​ use​ zone,​ and​...

  • Commune database of Cambodia, commune-level (2011)

    The Commune Database is produced by the NCDD (National Committee for Subnational Democratic Development). This file contains excerpts of the Database, namely quantitative data a...

  • Regional midwife expansion index

    The 2010 Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey (2010 CDHS) provided by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Planning is a collection of data to monitor and evaluate populatio...

  • Basic map of Cambodia (2014)

    These datasets contain three different types of administrative boundary levels: provincial, district and commune which were contributed by Office for the Coordination of Humanit...

  • Registered indigenous communal land

    This dataset contains information on the land titles of the indigenous communities registered and issued by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planing and Construction, from ...

  • Kep city land use master plan for 2030 vision

    This map is a plan for the land use for Kep city in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.

  • Public universities of Cambodia

    This is a GIS dataset about the public universities in Cambodia. It contains information on the exact location and detail of the public universities such as university name, add...

  • Reclassifying natural protected areas in Cambodia

    This dataset collects data on the reclassifying of protected areas by increasing the area and decreasing the area of ​​protected areas in Cambodia, such as: protected landscape,...

  • Oil and gas blocks in Cambodia (2007-2020)

    This dataset describes the information of oil and gas in Cambodia from 2007 to 2020. The data was collected from many sources by ODC’s mappers such as government and NGO agency ...

  • Results on the national assembly's election (1998)

    The dataset describes the information on the official results of the National Assembly's election in 1998 for the second legislature, reported by National Election Committee (NE...

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