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114 datasets found

Topics: Forest protection

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  • Protected Areas in Laos

    This GIS data is the vector representation of protected areas including national protected areas, national protection forests, and national production forests in Laos. The bound...

  • National Forest Programme 2010-2029

    The goal of the National Forest Programme is to establish a policy framework and strategy for sustainable management of the country’s valuable forest resources. This document, w...

  • Briefing: Linking FLEGT and REDD+

    This briefing discusses the overlaps and opportunities for collaboration between the FLEGT and REDD+ initiatives. It identifies the six key areas in which FLEGT and REDD+ can su...

  • Overview of VPA Processes: Opportunities and Challenges for Projects to Advance FLEGT

    This presentation provides an overview of the FLEGT voluntary partnership agreement process, including the interest of different sectors and the steps involved in building agree...

  • Evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan (Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade) 2003-2014: Final Report Volume 2 -- Annexes

    This document contains the annexes to Volume 2 of the Evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan. The annexes include: the terms of reference of the evaluation, the organizations an...

  • REDD+ and Indigenous Peoples: A Briefing Paper for Policy Makers

    This report describes the process of REDD+, its implications for indigenous peoples, and its applications for policy makers and governments.

  • REDD+ implementation in Asia and the concerns of indigenous peoples

    This report provides an overview on indigenous peoples in five REDD+ countries in Asia, namely, Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand and the status of REDD+ implementat...

  • Indigenous women in REDD+ making their voice heard

    Being part of indigenous communities, indigenous women share the same conditions as those of the men: they suffer from loss of land and resources due to dispossession and encroa...

  • Asean, climate change, REDD+ and indigenous peoples

    Many Indigenous Peoples fear that the implementation of REDD+ may have the same impacts to them as the imposition of conservation areas such as national parks.

  • A Training Manual on Advocacy, Lobbying and Negotiation Skills for Indigenous Peoples in Climate Change and REDD+

    This manual aims to improve the existing skills of indigenous peoples on advocacy, lobbying and negotiations.

  • Framework for Assessing Legality of Forestry Operations, Timber Processing and Trade Annex: Myanmar

    This presentation provides a framework for assessing the legality of forestry operations, including a set of principles with criterion and different indicators. The timber legal...

  • The status of Prey Lang: 8th Monitoring Report

    In the latest monitoring report presents the latest information about the granted Eenergy Global National Award for Cambodia award of Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN), defores...

  • Forest cover in Cambodia (1973-2014)

    This dataset shows forest cover in Cambodia in 1973, 1989, 2000, 2004, 2009 and 2014. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84, Zone 48 North coordinate reference system. Data w...

  • Tackling Illegal Logging, Deforestation and Forest Degradation: An Agenda for EU Action

    This briefing note is the contribution of a group of non-governmental organisations to the policy debate related to the evaluation of the European Union Forest Law Enforcement, ...

  • Framework for Assessing Legality of Forestry Operations, Timber Processing and Trade Annex

    This publication is produced by TRAFFIC and WWF's Global Forest and Trade Network.

  • The EU Timber Regulation and VPAs

    This website describes the EU Timber Regulation and VPAs.

  • Chain Saws Act, B.E. 2545 (2002)

    The reason for the proclamation of this Act at the present time is for the conservation of, and to maintain, the current Forest resources, especially through the prevention and ...

  • Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act B.E. 2535 (1992)

    To amend the law on wildlife conservation and protection.

  • Carbon stock assessment using remote sensing and forest inventory data in Savannakhet, Lao PDR

    Savannakhet Province, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (PDR), is a small area that is connected to Thailand, other areas of Lao PDR, and Vietnam via road No. 9. This province has...

  • Decree on the Protection Forest

    This Decree defines the principles, the procedures, and the measures on the management, the protection and conversation, the development, and the sustainable use of the protecti...

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