The screenshot of ISAF M&E Database System (2022)
Screenshots show performance and budget on social accountability at the commune level, health centers and primary schools in 2022.
Public procurement system reform strategy 2019-2025
The introduction of the Public Procurement System Reform Strategy 2019-2025 aims to accelerate and facilitate public procurement procedures in line with the direction of the 201...
Budget system reform strategy for sub-national administration 2019-2025
Budget System Reform Strategy for Sub-National Administration 2019-2025 aims to strengthen the full implementation of the program budget and to build the basis for the implement...
The screenshot of ISAF M&E Database System (2019)
Screenshots show performance and budget on social accountability at the commune level, health centers and primary schools.
Cambodian Digital Government Policy 2022-2035
In accordance with the Cambodia Digital Economy and Society Policy Framework 2021-2035, the Government sets out the Cambodian Digital Government Policy 2022-2035, focusing on th...
Contact number of director of municipal-provincial health department
This resource is a list of contact numbers of the director of municipal-provincial health department for health and virus COVID-19 issues.
Instruction No. 018 on forms and procedures of administrative services through the One Window Service mechanism of Commune/Sangkat administration
The One-Window-Service mechanism of Commune / Sangkat Administration is a one-stop-shop for administrative services in a simple, fast, transparent, accountable, and reliable man...
The screenshot of ISAF M&E Database System
Screenshots show performance and budget on social accountability at the commune level, health centers and primary schools in 2021.
Covid-19 Hotline in Laos
This is the hotline contact number related to Covid19 information in Laos.
Guideline on the implementation of commune social services
The guideline on the implementation of commune / sangkat social service activities implemented for the purpose of commune / sangkat councils to be used as a basis for organizing...
Targeted areas for the implementation of the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) in 2022
This dataset defines the target areas to be implemented in 2022 under MoU between NCDDS and Family Health International (FHI360) on the implementation of Social Accountability f...
Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretariat of National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS) and Family Health International (FHI 360) on the implementation of Social Accountability for Sub-National Democratic Development (2021)
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) defines the partnership arrangements of the NCDDS and Family Health International (FHI 360) relating to the implementation of the implemen...
Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretariat of National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS) and Family Health International (FHI 360) on the implementation of Social Accountability for Sub-National Democratic Development (2020)
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) defines the partnership arrangements of the NCDDS and Family Health International (FHI 360) relating to implementation of the implementati...
Budgetary Procedures Act, B.E. 2561 (2018)
The budget preparation, the administration of appropriations, the budget control and the evaluation as well as reporting shall be carried out in compliance with this Act and in ...
The screenshot of ISAF M&E Database System
Screenshots show performance and budget on social accountability at the commune level, health centers and primary schools.
Prakas No. 449 on the establishment of the contribution rate procedures and formalities of the occupational risk and healthcare scheme payment to National Social Security Fund for persons defined the provisions of the Labor Law
This prokas aim to set the contribution rate procedures and formalities of the occupational risk and healthcare scheme payment to National Social Security Fund for persons defin...
Digitalization of Public Administration and Services Delivery Act, B.E. 2562 (2019)
"Digital government" means the use of digital technology as a management tool. Government and Public Services by improving the management and integration of government informati...
Instruction No. 017 on the implementation of One Window One Office identification at Commune Sangkat level
Instruction No 017 aims to implement the One Window One Office identification mechanism at Commune Sangkat level toincrease efficiency in managing individual identities and co...
Concept note for the design of the second phase of the national programme on Sub-National Democratic Development (2021-2030)
This concept note serves as basis and directions for designing the next phase of the national program and has been designed in consultation with ministries, institutions, SNAs, ...
National policy, strategy and action plan on energy efficiency in Cambodia
This document will outline the current energy situation and the energy related policies in Cambodia, followed by the Vision statement for energy efficiency and the national ener...