Devolution of forest-related rights: Comparative analyses of six developing countries
The objectives of this study were to 1) analyse the contents and extent of forest-related rights that can be devolved to the local level according to the prevailing legal fram...
Oddar Meanchey REDD+
This dataset represents the community forest boundaries that combine to form the Oddar Meanchey REDD+ initiative. Data were provided to ODC by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas W...
Issues regarding timber legality in Lao PDR
Our action today and way forward: MOIC and the Wood Industry Association encourage member of the Association to establish the CoC system in theirs factories . So far, nonly one ...
Planning for forest management
Production forests are allocated to meet the requirements of economic development and the livelihoods of the people. The goal of forest allocation is to focus on three major pro...
Large acquisition of rights on forest lands: Focus on Lao PDR
Review of Lao policy on forest management and land concessions, and their long term impact.
Sub-decree No. 69 on the Transfer of the Protected Forest, Forest Conservation and Production Forest Areas, and Economic Land Concessions between MAFF, and MoE
This sub-decree is to transfer 13 areas of the protected forest and forest conservation and 5 areas of production forest areas from Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisherie...
Asia-Pacific Forests and Forestry to 2020 Forest Policy Brief 03: The Forest Diversity Challenge
Most of the terrestrial biodiversity within the Asia-Pacific region is contained within forests. Protected areas are the mainstay for biodiversity conservation although other fo...
Mangrove Forest Conservation in Thailand
In Thailand, Mangrove forests along the country's coastlines totaled an area of approximately 367,900 hectares in 1961. Unfortunately, between 1975 and 1993, a large proportion ...
An approach to designing pro-poor local REDD+ benefit distribution systems: Lessons from Vietnam
Provides lessons learned from Vietnam's approach to designing a pro-poor REDD+ benefits distribution system for the future development of effective benefit distribution systems ...
Conversion timber, forest monitoring, and land-use governance in Cambodia
This report presents an overview of national patterns and practices of forest land clearance during the 2012-2013 dry season as a basis for discussing challenges for Forest Law ...
Community forestry REDD project: Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia
A brief case study of a community forest REDD project in Oddar Meanchey province. The Cambodian Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) carbon offset project...
Community tenure rights and REDD+: a review of the Oddar Meanchey community forestry REDD+ project in Cambodia
Tenure rights over land, forest, and carbon have become a contentious issue within REDD+ implementation across the tropics because local communities could be excluded from REDD+...
Assessment of land use, forest policy and governance in Cambodia
An assessment to identify key drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation in Cambodia and review past efforts to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, in order to ...
Forest law enforcement governance and trade in Myanmar: A conflict sensitive analysis
The aim of this paper is to provide a conflict-sensitivity analysis of forest governance in Myanmar to inform all stakeholders involved in the negotiations of the Forest Law Enf...
Grassroots capacity building for REDD+ in Asia
This document reviews the successes and challenges of the REDD+ program's capacity building efforts across multiple countries, as well as looks ahead to potential next phases fo...
Prakas No. 537 on the Establishment and Management of Community Forest Area of Veal Ou Kdey in Kraya Commune, Santuk District, Kampong Thom Province
The Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries issued a Proclamation on establishment and management of Community forest area of Veal Ou Kdey in Kraya Commune, Santuk Distri...
The political economy of land governance in Cambodia
A 2015 report published by Mekong Region Land Governance project (MRLG) issue of land governance in Cambodia. Land governance is an inherently political-economic issue. This rep...
Prakas on the Establishment and Management of Community Forestry in Kompong Laeng District, Kompong Chhnang Province
Five areas of community forestry, with a total size of 5,510.70 hectares, are established in Kompong Laeng district, Kompong Chhnang province. A map is attached in annex 1 of th...
Pattern of land cover change in the Lower Mekong Basin, the role of mesoscale approaches
A summary of 2006 PhD thesis about the role of mesoscale approaches in the pattern of land cover change in the Lower Mekong Basin. The author of the thesis seeks to generate a c...
Prakas No.101 on Establishment and Management of Community Forest Areas in Battambang Province
Prakas No.101 is to establish 13 Forestry Communities which are located in Borvil, Moung Russei and Ratanak Mondul district of Battambang Province, and cover the areas of 3,531 ...