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434 datasets found

Topics: Environment and natural resources

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  • Thailand Permanent Forest

    This dataset indicated Permanent Forest of Thailand

  • Sub-decree No 184 on the designation of sustainable use areas and reclassification of 100 hectares of state private land in Preah Sihanouk national park "Ream" in Ream commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province

    This sub-decree defines the area of sustainable use as the reclassification of state private land and registration to the Ministry of Environment, which is the authority to occu...

  • Decree No.21on Environmental Impact Assessment

    This decree divides into 13 sessions and consists of 87 articles. It defines the principle, regulations, and measures and monitoring, and inspects the environmental impact asses...

  • Guidelines on the Development of the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2021-2015)

    The purpose of this guideline is to instruct the governments to summarize areas of their works such as macro-economy, production and services, social and cultural field, rural d...

  • Sub-decree No. 12 on the establishment of Phnom Preah Kuhear Luong natural heritage site

    This sub-decree established the Phnom Preah Kuhear Luong natural heritage site with an area of ​​25 (twenty five) hectares in Touk Meas Khang Lech commune, Banteay Meas district...

  • Sub-decree No. 13 on the establishment of Phnom Totong-Phnom Touch natural heritage site

    This sub-decree established the Phnom Totong-Phnom Touch Natural Heritage site with an area of ​​83.44 (eighty-three hectares and forty-four acres) located in Dang Tong and Bant...

  • Greater Mekong Subregion Distribution of Mangroves; Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar (2000)

    This dataset shows the distribution of mangrove forests, derived from earth observation satellite imagery for the Greater Mekong Subregion including Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam ...

  • Coastal strategy of Koh Kong

    The Coastal Strategy of Koh Kong province serves as a master plan in which it expresses the collective vision of Koh Kong citizens regarding specifically natural resource and bi...

  • Booklet​ on​ natural​ resources​ and​ wildlife​ status​ in​ protected​ areas​ and​ northern​ biodiversity​ corridor,​ north​ Tonle​ Sap​ lake​ 2020

    This​ booklet​ provides​ a​ useful​ source​ of​ information​ and​ related​ data​ on​ the​ status​ of​ wildlife​ presence,​ habitats,​ natural​ resources,​ protected​ area​ commu...

  • National Protected Areas of Vietnam

    Dataset is polygon data with geospatial referecing. The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global spatial dataset on marine and terrestrial prote...

  • Hansen Forest Cover Gain 2000-2012: Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar

    Forest gain during the period 2000–2012, defined as the inverse of loss, or a non-forest to forest change entirely within the study period. Encoded as either 1 (gain) or 0 (no g...

  • Hansen Tree Cover 2000: Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar

    A dataset visualising tree cover across the Greater Mekong Subregion at 30 x 30m resolution. For the purpose of this study, “tree cover” was defined as all vegetation taller tha...

  • Distribution of soil types in Cambodia (Crocker, 1962)

    This vector dataset provides the distribution of soil types in Cambodia, as provided by Crocker (1962). Sixteen different soil types are given: red-yellow podzols, latosols, pla...

  • Soil fertility map (2003)

    The dataset provides soil fertility levels of different areas in Cambodia. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 coordinate reference system. Data were provided to ODC in vec...

  • Environment and agricultural investment in Lao PDR: An assessment of impacts, gaps and needs of agricultural investors, local authorities and communities affected by investments

    This report describes the current situation of environmental impacts arising from agricultural investments in northern Lao PDR, and identifies key gaps and needs of stakeholders...

  • Laos Protected Areas and Heritage Sites

    GIS data on Protected Areas and Heritages sites in Laos, extracted from The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). The WDPA is a joint project of UNEP and IUCN, produced by U...

  • Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 11th Draft

    The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving, man...

  • Laos Statistical Yearbook 2017

    The statistics yearbook are summarizing the data from provincial statistics Centre and from the line ministries concerned and ministry-equivalent agencies in the whole country i...

  • Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 10th Draft

    The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving, man...

  • Freshwater Ecoregions of the Mekong Basin

    This dataset was created from Hydrosheds level 3 dataset to represent approximate freshwater ecoregions of the Mekong basin. Based upon the WWF freshwater ecoregions dataset whi...

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