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24 datasets found

Topics: The poor

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  • Royal Decree on the establishment of the National Committee for the Implementation of the Forest Protection and Land Grant Programme for Sustainable Development

    The establishment aims to provide social land concessions to poor, landless people, enabling them to build houses and create family farms that will support community development...

  • Rehabilitation of Cambodia’s railways: Comparison of field data

    This report compares independently-gathered household data from four communities located along railroad tracks in Phnom Penh to data gathered by the Inter-Ministerial Resettleme...

  • Cambodian population and poverty rate 2015

    This dataset in levels of commune, district and province includes information about total population, total family and poverty rate in Cambodia in 2015. The non-spatial data is ...

  • Identification of households in Cambodia, round 5 (2011)

    This dataset describes the poverty levels (1, 2 or other) covering 4,227 villages in 9 provinces. Data were provided to ODC in vector format by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas ...

  • Identification of households in Cambodia, round 4 (2010)

    This dataset describes the poverty levels (1, 2 or other) covering 6,411 villages in 11 provinces. Data were provided to ODC in vector format by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas...

  • The National Identification of Poor Households Programme: A key tool to support equitable development

    The overall objective of the Ministry of Planning Identification of Poor Households Programme is to officially mandate Standardised Procedures for Identification of Poor Househo...

  • Lao PDR - National Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis

    This paper concentrates on the specific deprivations of infants and children in early childhood, in areas such as health and nutrition, and the inter-relation of these. In addit...

  • Off the Rails: AusAID and the Troubled Cambodian Railways Project

    The rehabilitate and privatise the railway system project is pitched as an economic driver for Cambodia in which the poor will, in some unarticulated way, eventually share. But ...

  • General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 7 Health, Rural Health Section Prod2

    This is the Rural Health section of the Health part from Module 7 in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.

  • On stony ground: A look into social land concessions

    LICADHO​ looks​ into​ "Land​ Allocation​ for​ Social​ and​ Economic​ Development​ (LASED)",​ a $13 million project which​ is​ supported​ by​ the​ World​ Bank​ and​ Deutsche​ Ges...

  • Where are the poor?

    Over the last four years, the Lao Statistics Bureau has conducted two major activities that significantly improve our understanding of poverty in the Lao PDR

  • Quantitative Indicators for Common Property Tenure Security

    Secure access to natural resources through systems of common property forms the basis for the livelihoods of many of the world’s poor.

  • Unbreakable: Building the Resilience of the Poor in the Face of Natural Disasters

    This report moves beyond asset and production losses and focuses instead on how natural disasters affect people’s well-being. Here, natural disaster risk and losses are measured...

  • Phnom Penh's history of displacement: Evicted communities from 1990 to 2014

    Since 1990, over 29,700 Cambodian families have been evicted or displaced from their homes in Phnom Penh. This document provides a list of evicted communities, collating informa...

  • The Phnom Penh survey: A study on urban poor settlements in Phnom Penh

    The report of a 2013 survey conducted to update previous research on urban poor settlements in the Phnom Penh and produce current maps of their locations. This report summarises...

  • Growing pains: Urbanisation and informal settlements in Cambodia's secondary cities

    This report takes a snapshot look at how urbanisation is impacting three of Cambodia's secondary cities – Sihanoukville, Battambang, and Siem Reap – and, in particular, their ur...

  • The exclusion of urban poor communities from systematic land registration in Phnom Penh

    This study explores the reasons behind the government’s exclusion of many Phnom Penh urban poor communities (UPCs) from the Systematic Land Registration (SLR) process, and the i...

  • Phnom Penh's communities under threat of eviction

    This document provides a comprehensive list of Phnom Penh settlements under formal or informal threat of eviction. Data are provided on stated reasons for eviction, location fea...

  • Resettling Phnom Penh: 54 and counting?

    This report provides select findings of an extensive survey of relocation sites in and around Phnom Penh, conducted in 2011 and 2012. The aim of the report is to highlight some ...

  • A tale of two cities: Review of the development paradigm in Phnom Penh

    This report is a review of city’s development paradigm, including an examination of urban services and infrastructure, the regulatory framework, mobility networks, major stakeho...

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