Law on the Organization and Conduct of the National Bank of Cambodia
This law states about the organization and conduct of the National Bank of Cambodia. The National Bank of Cambodia is the ”Central Bank” which is an autonomous public entity of ...
Sub-decree No. 17 on management of measurement and production of map, and exploitation of measurement and production of map
The purpose of this sub-degree is to manage the measurement and production of maps and exploit the measurement and production of maps in the Kingdom of Cambodia. This sub-decree...
Prakas No. 538 on the Establishment and Management of Community Forest Area of Phnom Raing in Beoung Lvea Commune, Santuk District, Kampong Thom Province
The Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries issued a Proclamation on establishment and management of Community forest area of Phnom Raing in Beoung Lvea Commune, Santuk D...
Prakas No. 537 on the Establishment and Management of Community Forest Area of Veal Ou Kdey in Kraya Commune, Santuk District, Kampong Thom Province
The Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries issued a Proclamation on establishment and management of Community forest area of Veal Ou Kdey in Kraya Commune, Santuk Distri...
Sub-decree No. 116 on Kingdom of Cambodia’s Map Management, Production and Exploitation
The purpose of this Anukret is to prevent the publication and formal use of maps that fail to meet standard criteria which is required to regulate the production and commerce of...
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No 6744 on Revising Annex of Inter-Ministerial Prakas No 3856 on the Provision of Administrative Services at Sub-National Level
This Prakas was established to take the place of Inter-Ministerial Prakas No 3856 with its new implemented Annex. The column of Maximum price and Actual price have been added. T...
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No 3856 on the Provision of Administrative Services of Sub-National Administration
This Prakas provides the series of administrative services with the detail of its price, processing duration, and validity period as a list in the Annex of the Prakas.