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Topics: Development policy and administration

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  • Complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: A Framework for Action

    Building on Thailand’s Revised Information Paper/Matrix: Compilation of Possible Complementarities between the ASEAN Community Blueprints 2025 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl...

  • Localizing Agenda 2030 and the SDGs: UNDG's "MAPS" Approach in Cambodia

    While the SDGs are universally applicable “each government will also decide how these aspirational and global targets should be incorporated in national planning processes, poli...

  • The SDGs - What are the "Means of Implementation"?

    A major shortcoming of the MDGs was the failure to spell out clearly the resources required for implementation. The latest proposals for the SDGs attempt to do so more comprehen...

  • SDG indicators and analysis: From systemic perspective

    Outline; Background; SDG indicators and data collection; Framework of SDG indicators; Implications for national SDGs; implementation, monitoring and reporting

  • China as a development actor in Southeast Asia

    This Evidence Report identifies and explains the central factors driving China’s policies towards Southeast Asia. It examines China’s foreign relations through the perspective o...

  • National Implementation of the SDG Monitoring

    Outline of presentation - National Statistical System of Cambodia - Role of National Institute of Statistics - Strengthening national capacity to support SDG monitoring - ...

  • Analysis of Cambodia’s Preparedness for the Implementation of Cambodia's Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges, Opportunities and Financing

    The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), envisioned, on top of all, to slash world poverty by half, will end this December 2015. The post MDGs development agenda termed the Sust...

  • Annual Progress Report 2013: Achieving Cambodia’s Millennium Development Goals

    The Royal Government of Cambodia has made an assessment of the progress in achieving Cambodia’s Millennium Development Goals (CMDGs) on an annual basis since 2010. In addi...

  • Development Cooperation and Partnerships Report

    As a newly classified Lower-Middle Income Country (LMIC), Cambodia is seeking to consolidate and maintain its impressive track record of socio-economic progress. But realizing C...

  • UNFPA steps-up the SDG localization in Cambodia

    The seventeen sustainable development goals adopted at the United Nations General Assembly in New York last year, September 2015, aim to make a better world over the next 15 yea...

  • Who will finance development in Cambodia?

    The Government is well positioned to lead and finance the next stage of national development. Managing partnerships with the private sector will be of increased importance while...

  • Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development

    This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. Eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimen...

  • Development Cooperation & Partnerships Strategy 2014-2018

    To ensure that Cambodia reaches the development goals that have been identified in the Rectangular Strategy – Phase III, the Royal Government will implement its development poli...

  • Monitoring and Evaluation for NSDP Implementation System (MENI) Orientation Guidelines

    The Royal Government of Cambodia has prepared a National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2014-2018 under the leadership of the Ministry of Planning (MOP) and the collaboration...

  • Thailand 4.0 Policy to Become a Mechanism for National Reform

    Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha has stated the "Thailand 4.0” policy would become a mechanism for national reform to pull Thailand out of the middle-income trap, econom...

  • Thailand 20 Year Strategic Plan and Reforms

    Archived web content of Dr. Porametee Vimolsiri, Secretary-General of the NESDB, giving a presentation about Thailands 20 Year National Economic and Social Development Plan.

  • National Strategy on Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene 2011-2025

    The aim of the Strategy is to define the water supply, sanitation and hygiene services to be made available to people in rural areas, the institutional arrangements aligning ...

  • ADB interim country partnership strategy - Myanmar 2012–2014

    In response to the ongoing major reforms by the Government of Myanmar toward a democratic system and market-based economy, in 2012 ADB adopted a phased approach to reengagement ...

  • Structural reform for growth, equity, and national sovereignty

    This discussion paper analyses several key policy challenges confronting Vietnam. This document was written to provide background for the Vietnam Executive Leadership Program, 2...

  • Myanmar: Negotiating nation building, a path to unity and progress

    There is an immense nation-building challenge facing the leadership in Myanmar. One way of fixing the current situation in Myanmar is to first establish where it is starting...

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