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Topics: Child rights

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  • Cambodian child online protection guidelines for the digital technology industry

    This guideline aims to encourage the industry to take preemptive and effective actions to ensure that their products and services are safe for young users in Cambodia, with time...

  • UNICEF Myanmar 2023 situation reports: Humanitarian Action for Children

    The UNICEF situation report presents the main reporting tool to monitor UNICEF’s humanitarian response. They provide an update on the situation and needs of children in a countr...

  • UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children: Myanmar Appeal_2023

    UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children appeal helps support the agency’s work as it provides conflict- and disaster-affected children with access to water, sanitation, nutrit...

  • Child Protection and COVID-19: Cambodia case study

    In summary, the COVID-19 pandemic has had many, varied impacts on children’s protection and wellbeing. Child protection organisations, such as World Vision Cambodia, have had to...

  • Myanmar labor force, child labor and school to work transition survey 2015 Executive summary report

    The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security and the Central Statistical Organization of Myanmar conducted a labour force, child labour and school-to-work transition s...

  • ECPAT Executive Summary: Lao PDR

    The executive summary provides an introduction to human trafficking amongst children, national plans on their protection, and recommendations for action.

  • Global Missing Children Research, Country-Specific Findings: Lao People’s Democratic Republic

    The document provides a summary of human trafficking in Lao PDR, missing child cases, child protection, and international instruments that ensure protection for children who are...

  • Violence Against Children in Lao PDR

    The national Violence against Children Survey – the first of its kind in Lao PDR – was implemented by the Lao Statistics Bureau and the National Commission for Mothers and Child...

  • Global Monitoring Status of Action Against Sexual Exploitation of Children: Lao PDR

    The publication provides information on national plans of action and policies on the protection of children. It also discusses prevention and protection approaches, specifically...

  • The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Lao PDR

    This study on the commercial sexual exploitation of children in Lao PDR was commissioned through a joint collaboration between the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, UNICEF ...

  • Child Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism: A brief analysis of domestic legal frameworks in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and VietNam

    The UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific recently undertook legislative reviews in the above four countries to examine the extent to which domestic legislati...

  • Lao PDR - National Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis

    This paper concentrates on the specific deprivations of infants and children in early childhood, in areas such as health and nutrition, and the inter-relation of these. In addit...

  • Inequality of Opportunity in Asia and the Pacific: Child Nutrition

    The fourth in the series of Inequality of Opportunity in Asia and the Pacific policy papers (following Education, Decent Work, Clean Energy), this paper highlights why it is imp...

  • Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Shrimp and Seafood Processing Areas in Thailand

    Information about the project Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Shrimp and Seafood Processing Areas in Thailand intended to create an industry that is free of child l...

  • Children of the dust : abuse of Hanoi street children in detention

    This report appeared in Human Rights Watch Vol 18, No 14, November 2006. documents cases of serious violations of the rights of street children in Hanoi in 2000. Text in English.

  • Resources, rights and cooperation a sourcebook on property rights and collective action for sustainable development

    This first CAPRi sourcebook is a fitting commemoration of the 15th anniversary of CAPRi. Unique among other training materials, it is based directly on the experiences and lesso...

  • Situation analysis of youth in Cambodia

    Young people ages 10-24 comprise 36 percent of Cambodia's population; however, the country has yet to reap the dividend from such a large young work force. Despite recent rapid...

  • Getting away with it: The treatment of rape in Cambodia's justice system

    A report on the failure of Cambodia's justice system to investigate and prosecute cases of rape involving women and children. The report is based on a review of 762 cases of...

  • Child labor in brick factories: Cause and consequences, a research study for campaign of combating the worst forms of child labour in Cambodia, August 2007

    As part of the campaign against the worst forms of child labour for the wellbeing of Cambodian children, LICADHO and WVC commissioned this study on children working in brick...

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