Community protected areas (2006-2021)
This dataset contains data of community zones in the natural protected areas such as the national park, biodiversity conservation corridor, multiple use areas, wildlife sanctuar...
Natural protected areas in Cambodia (1993-2023)
This dataset contains data of eight types of protected areas in Cambodia (national park, wildlife sanctuary, protected landscape, multiple use, natural heritage site, Ramsar sit...
State land reclassification
This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public property and the reclassification to state private property of some areas in Phnom Penh, Ka...
Allocated land for social land concession
This dataset shows information about the land concession implemented by The Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development (LASED) Phase3 Phase 2 which covers the LASED pha...
Management zones of natural protected areas (2019-2023)
The dataset shows the management zones of the natural protected areas in 4 classifications such as core zone, conservation zone, sustainable use zone, and...
Reserved land for social land concession
This dataset contains information on the reserved land for social land concession for civil people and military issued by Royal Government of Cambodia from 2006 to 2020. The lan...