Royal Kram no. 0623/007 on environment and natural resources code
This code sets out the rules to be followed and practiced in strengthening, modernizing, harmonizing and improving the management of environmental protection, conservation and r...
The application of FPIC standards in Cambodia
The objective of this FPIC brief is to provide summaries of how FPIC and robust consultation procedures have been applied in practice in Cambodia across various sectors and acti...
Workshop report on embracing strategic environmental assessment in the environment and natural resources code
The report underscores the relationship between SEA and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), explains the SEA procedural framework, illustrates upon the fundamental principles...
Guidelines for transboundary environmental impact assessment in the Lower Mekong River Basin
The guidelines for transboundary environmental impact assessment in the Lower Mekong River Basin (TbEIA) is designed as a flexible document with the perspective of its further e...