Registered indigenous communal land
This dataset contains information on the land titles of the indigenous communities registered and issued by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planing and Construction, from ...
Letter to the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction on the second input to the new Draft Land Law
Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) sent an official letter to the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction regarding the second input to the new D...
Video on challenges of indigenous communal land registration
This video shows the challenges of indigenous communal land registration. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support Activity: cluster A...
Cambodia's draft Land Law: overview and preliminary analysis of key issues
This document is a preliminary analysis of the key points of the draft Land Law 2023 by ALIGN based on the reviewing and consultation dialogue of the new draft Land Law in Siem ...
Directive 01BB in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia: Issues and Impacts of Private Land Titling in Indigenous Communities
To assess the impact of this new directive and its effects on the relationship between communal land titling and Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) in Ratanakiri, seven NGOs colle...