Contact numbers of the Ministry of Women's Affairs and the Capital-Provincial Department of Women's Affairs for providing free legal assistance to victims
In order to work together to break the silence and report violence against women of all kinds, the Ministry of Women's Affairs has released a list of telephone numbers of the Mi...
Cambodia women report 2004: A brief on the situation of women in Cambodia
This report has indicated that there are many obstacles on the road to complete empowerment for women in Cambodia. At times the study has sought to highlight the despicable such...
Convention on elimination of all form of descrimination against women
The Convention defines discrimination against women as "...any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nul...
Gender and REDD+: an assessment in the Oddar Meanchey community forestry REDD+ site, Cambodia
The importance of integration of gender in sustainable forest management has been proven through decades of research and experience. By contrast, consideration of gender in the ...
Supporting the monitoring of aid effectiveness from a gender perspective, key findings and recommendations
The report assesses how far Cambodia has progressed in terms of the inclusion of a gender perspective in their aid effectiveness processes and to what extent CSOs participate an...