Law on Fisheries
This law aims to ensure the management of natural resources and fisheries and the livelihood of the local community for social, economic and environmental benefits, including th...
Cambodia: Immediately withdraw draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO)
Forty international non-governmental organisations and membership organizations call on the government of Cambodia to immediately withdraw the draft Law on Associations and Non-...
Legal analysis of forest and land laws in Cambodia
From the foreword: "A major goal of CFI's mission in Cambodia is to support the involvement of civil society in the management of forests. Rural communities have a special role ...
Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organizations
This law aims at safeguarding the right to freedom of establishing associations and non-governmental organizations in the Kingdom of Cambodia in order to protect their legitimat...
Law on Forestry
This law defines the framework for management, harvesting, use, development and conservation of the forests in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Assessment of existing fund mechanisms under Cambodian Law for a national REDD+ fund
This report is about the assessment of existing fund mechanism under Cambodia’s law for a national REDD+fund. The aim of this report is to support the first step in a process fo...