Legal notes on labor inspection for associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Labor inspection is the performance of legal obligations by companies, factories, enterprises, establishments and is not subject to penalties in accordance with the law. The Aut...
Legal notes on workbooks and credentials for Cambodian workers for associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Workbooks and work permits are identification documents, records of seniority that are useful to workers in accordance with the Labor Law and other relevant laws in force. Makin...
Legal notes on transitional penalties for violations of the Law on Accounting and Auditing for associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
This legal note explains the transitional penalties for violations of the Law on Accounting and Auditing, covering independent audit obligations, individual obligations, and the...
Legal notes on the implementation of social security regulations on pensions for associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
This legal note interprets the legal obligations of associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) regarding the Social Security system for pensions by explaining the re...
Legal notes on tax registration obligations for associations or non-profit organizations and NGOs
This legal note explains the registration obligations for associations and non-governmental organizations, the registration of business activities, tax declaration obligations,...
Legal notes on accounting and auditing obligations for associations or non-profit organizations and NGOs
This legal note interprets the Law on Accounting and Auditing for non-profit entities or associations and non-profit organizations, while advising nonprofits on the obligation...
Legal compliance: Tax Obligation for NGOs and Associations
This slide presentation is prepared the assisting the civil society organization (CSO) in better understanding tax obligations.
Legal compliance: Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organizations (LANGO)
This slide presentation is prepared the assisting the civil society organization (CSO) in better understanding Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organizations (LANGO) com...
Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organizations
This law aims at safeguarding the right to freedom of establishing associations and non-governmental organizations in the Kingdom of Cambodia in order to protect their legitimat...