Registered indigenous communal land
This dataset contains information on the land titles of the indigenous communities registered and issued by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planing and Construction, from ...
Video on challenges of indigenous communal land registration
This video shows the challenges of indigenous communal land registration. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support Activity: cluster A...
Cambodia's draft Land Law: overview and preliminary analysis of key issues
This document is a preliminary analysis of the key points of the draft Land Law 2023 by ALIGN based on the reviewing and consultation dialogue of the new draft Land Law in Siem ...
Access to collective land titles for indigenous communities in Cambodia
From 2011 to August 2021, 33 collective land titles were granted to Cambodia's indigenous communities, with only 3 CLTs granted in 2020. CCHR encourages the Royal Government of ...
Self-identification of indigenous community
The spatial data illustrate the information of indigenous communities which have themselves recognized as the indigenous communities by the Ministry of Rural Development. In nee...
Policy on development of indigenous people
The policy aims to improve the livelihood of indigenous people to escape from hunger and poverty, to receive formal education at least 9 years basic edu...
Impact of government policies and corporate land grabs on indigenous people’s access to common lands and livelihood resilience in Northeast Cambodia
This article reveals that land grabbing adversely affects communal solidarity and local governance effectiveness. It also demonstrates how commons grabbing—including land sales ...
Country technical note on indigenous peoples' issues: Kingdom of Cambodia
To facilitate policy implementation at the country level, IFAD’s Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples (2009) recommended that Country Technical Notes be prepared to prov...
Contribution of Open Data to the Protection of Indigenous People’s Livelihood, Land Security and Natural Resource Sustainability
The overall objective of this paper is to follow up on the research that aims to understand how indigenous communities’statistics have been widely used in development projects i...
Policy on registration and right to use of land of indigenous peoples
The purpose of this policy is to register the indigenous communal land to ensure the land tenure, poverty reduction, national economic development, sustainable land use manageme...
Sub-Decree No. 83 on procedures of registration of land of indigenous communities
This sub-decree is to establish the principle, procedure, and mechanism to register the indigenous community land as the collective ownership with the objective to provide land ...
Directive 01BB in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia: Issues and Impacts of Private Land Titling in Indigenous Communities
To assess the impact of this new directive and its effects on the relationship between communal land titling and Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) in Ratanakiri, seven NGOs colle...