Big data and artificial intelligence for mapping vulnerability in Cambodia
This policy brief documents the key insights and learnings from the development of the Cambodia Vulnerability Mapping tool. This tool combines traditional and big data sources t...
Pentagonal strategy-phase I for growth, employment, equity, efficiency, and sustainability: Building the foundation towards realizing the Cambodia vision 2050
Pentagonal strategy-phase I has five mottos, five strategic objectives, and five key priorities. The five mottos, namely growth, employment, equity, efficiency, and sustainabil...
Political platform of the Royal Government of Cambodia of the seventh legislature of the national assembly for national building and defense 2023-2028
This “Political Platform” has set five strategic objectives, five priority policies, 18 sectoral policies, and six priority policy programs to be implemented from 2023. All of w...
Cambodia science, technology & innovation: 2020
Science, technology & innovation (STI) are essential to achieving the objectives that Cambodia has set for her national development goals by 2030 and 2050. This report contains ...
Mobile Phones and Internet Use in Cambodia 2016
This study examines Cambodian phone users’ knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to Khmer-language reading, writing, and search habits, and identifies the factors motiv...