Legal compliance: Tax Obligation for NGOs and Associations
This slide presentation is prepared the assisting the civil society organization (CSO) in better understanding tax obligations.
Legal compliance: Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organizations (LANGO)
This slide presentation is prepared the assisting the civil society organization (CSO) in better understanding Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organizations (LANGO) com...
Cambodia: Immediately withdraw draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (LANGO)
Forty international non-governmental organisations and membership organizations call on the government of Cambodia to immediately withdraw the draft Law on Associations and Non-...
Law on Associations and Non-governmental Organizations
This law aims at safeguarding the right to freedom of establishing associations and non-governmental organizations in the Kingdom of Cambodia in order to protect their legitimat...
A legal brief on Cambodia’s Covid-19 Law used to persecute human rights defenders and other activists
Concerns about the Covid-19 Law were quickly realised when it was immediately used to authorise sweeping restrictions, including repressive lockdowns and the arrests of journali...