Podcast by YoungEco: Environmental economy, ecosystems services and natural solutions
Dr. Phanith Chou is an environmental economist. He is an associate Professor at the Department of Community Development, Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). Dr. Phanith has ...
Stream by Young Eco podcast event recap
In this video series, there are 3 recap video including a recap of Stream by Young Eco event and recap of Stream Listener Club by Young Eco. Stream by Young Eco cooperated with ...
Podcast by YoungEco: Understand inclusive and water governance
Kaneka Keo serves as the Inclusion Mekong Regional Water Governance Project – Phase II Manager for Oxfam. In her role, Kaneka has responsibilities for overall project management...
Royal Kram no. 0623/007 on environment and natural resources code
This code sets out the rules to be followed and practiced in strengthening, modernizing, harmonizing and improving the management of environmental protection, conservation and r...
Circular strategy on environment 2023-2028
The circular strategy on environment was developed in accordance with the political program of the Royal Government, the 7th legislature of the National Assembly, and the Pentag...
Sub-decree no. 144 on the establishment of Bakan protected landscape
This sub decree shows the establishment of Bakan protected landscape of 38430 hectares located in Bakan and Kandieng district Pursat province.
Sub-decree no. 58 on the determination of demarcation of the floodplain (zone 2) of the Tonle Sap area in Banteay Meanchey province
This sub-decree defines the buffer zone of the flooded forest area (area 2) of the Tonle Sap area of 20938 hectares, 29 ares (twenty thousand, nine hundred thirty-eight hecta...
Sub-decree no. 69 on the identification of community and sustainable use zone of Koah Rung marine national park, located in Koah Rung Sonlem village, Koah Rung Sonlem commune, Koah Rung city, Preah Sihanouk province
This sub-decree defines the community area of Koah Rung marine national park on an area of 328 hectares, 54 acres, located in Koah Rung Sonlem village, Koah Rung Sonlem comm...
Sub-degree no.173 on the establishment of Phnom Kravanh national park
This sub-decree established the Phnom Kravanh national park with an area of 926,123 hectares in Koh Kong, Pursat, Kampong Speu, Preah Sihanouk and Battambang provinces.
Sub-decree no. 183 on reclassifying Vern Sai-Siem Pang national park
This sub-decree expands Sombor wildlife sanctuary from 57,469 hectares to 280,359 hectares in Ratanak Kiri and Stung Treng province.
Sub-decree no. 187 on reclassifying Sombor wildlife sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Sombor wildlife sanctuary from 50,093 hectares to 82,506 hectares in Siem Reap province.
Sub-decree no. 188 on reclassifying Tatai wildlife sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Tatai Wildlife Sanctuary from 144,275 hectares to 144,539 hectares in Koh Kong province.
Sub-decree no. 192 on reclassifying Virachey National Park
This sub-decree expands Virachey National Park from 332,500 hectares to 405,766 hectares in Ratanakiri and Stung Treng province.
Sub-decree no. 188 on reclassifying Preah Jayavarman Noroodom National Park
This sub-decree expands Preah Jayavarman Noroodom national park from 37,500 hectares to 62,883 hectares in Siem Reap province.
Sub-decree no. 182 on reclassifying Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary from 292, 690 hectares to 317,456 hectares in Mondulkiri and Kratie province.
Lexicon of the code of environment and natural resources
This document indicates lexicon of the code of environment and natural resources from Ministry of Environment, Cambodia.
Rights and cases of environmental protection of natural resources in Cambodia
This slide presentation presents the rights and cases of environmental protection of natural resources in Cambodia, in which Cambodians of both sexes have the right to actively ...
Booklet on natural resources and wildlife status in protected areas and northern biodiversity corridor, north Tonle Sap lake 2020
This booklet provides a useful source of information and related data on the status of wildlife presence, habitats, natural resources, protected area commu...
Press release No. 490 of the Ministry of Environment on the state land registration of Pream Krasaob wildlife sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prech wildlife sanctuary in Mondulkiri province
According to this press release, the Peam Krasaob wildlife sanctuary in Koh Kong province and Phnom Prech wildlife sanctuary in Mondulkiri province were registered as state land...