Update on investment law in Cambodia
Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia and it is bordered by Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and the Gulf of Thailand, making it an ideal country for import and export operations. Amid ...
Solar power plant in Cambodia
The dataset of a solar power plant in Cambodia is extracted from the Mekong Infrastructure Tracker Dashboard available in Cambodia. The solar power plants dataset involved the u...
Reserved land for social land concession
This dataset contains information on the reserved land for social land concession for civil people and military issued by Royal Government of Cambodia from 2006 to 2020. The lan...
Rainfall estimates from rain gauge and satellite observations (CHIRPS pentad dataset)
CHIRPS is an abbreviation for Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station Data (Version 2.0 final). The CHIRPS is a 30+ year quasi-global rainfall dataset and inco...
Global Surface Water Data in Cambodia
The Global Surface Water dataset from Joint Research Centre has a complete history of water detections over the 37-year period from 1984 to 2020 produced under the Copernicus Pr...
Collateral damage: Land loss and abuses in Cambodia’s microfinance sector
Collateral Damage: Land Losses and Abuses in Cambodia’s Microfinance Sector details the size and scope of Cambodia’s MFI sector and seeks to highlight the human rights abuses th...
Population census 2019 (Final population totals)
This dataset provides a final result census of the population in the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2019, which shows the total population, total population of males and females, total ...
Population census 2019 (Provisional population totals)
This dataset provides a provisional census of the population in the Kingdom of Cambodia in 2019, which shows the total population, total population of males and females, total h...
Cambodia Disaster Management Reference Handbook 2017
This report focuses on country overview, disaster overview, organizational structure for disaster management, infrastructure, health, woman, peace, and security.
Marine fisheries management area
This dataset shows the Cambodia's first large-scale marine protected area in order to enhance the protection of the marine biodiversity and fisheries livelihood within Archip...
Canals in Cambodia (2008)
This dataset is included geographical locations of canals and types of canal such as earthen, levee and masonry. The data is released by Department of Geography of Ministry of L...
Booklet on natural resources and wildlife status in protected areas and northern biodiversity corridor, north Tonle Sap lake 2020
This booklet provides a useful source of information and related data on the status of wildlife presence, habitats, natural resources, protected area commu...
Forestry magazine No 62 on the achievement for the first half of 2020 of forestry administration
This magazine showcases the achievement of the Forestry Administration in the first semester of 2020. The content in this magazine consists of the update...
Cropland in Cambodia
This dataset contains information of cropland and location of croplands in Cambodia which was downloaded from World Food Programme GeoNode (WFPGeoNode) using data in 2013 from ...
Pesticide trade in Cambodia
This dataset contains record information of the quantity and value of pesticide trade in Cambodia: import quantity 1996-2016, import value 1961-2016, and export quantity and val...
Land cover in Cambodia (2012- 2016)
The land cover is extracted from the Regional Land Cover Monitoring System (https://rlcms-servir.adpc.net/en/landcover/) which is developed by SERVIR-Mekong. The primitives are ...
Infographic of Social Land Concession Program in Cambodia
This Social Land Concession infographic was coproduced by Open Development Cambodia (ODC) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Cambodia, funded by...
Flood-prone areas
This dataset shows the flood-prone areas in Cambodia and other Mekong countries from Surface Water Mapping Tool which is an application allows for calculation using a sophistica...
Battambang provincial land use plan for 2030 vision
This map is a plan for the land use for Battambang province in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Families affected by climate hazards 2016
This dataset contains records of number of families affected by climate hazards comprising storm, flood and drought in 2016 at province level, which was extracted from Climate C...