Community protected areas (2006-2021)
This dataset contains data of community zones in the natural protected areas such as the national park, biodiversity conservation corridor, multiple use areas, wildlife sanctuar...
Forest cover in Cambodia (2015-2018)
This forest cover is extracted from the Forest Monitoring System (https://rlcms-servir.adpc.net/en/forest-monitor/) which is developed by SERVIR-Mekong and the Global Land Anal...
Booklet on natural resources and wildlife status in protected areas and northern biodiversity corridor, north Tonle Sap lake 2020
This booklet provides a useful source of information and related data on the status of wildlife presence, habitats, natural resources, protected area commu...
Natural protected areas and biodiversity conservation corridors
Biodiversity conservation corridors are uninterrupted areas of forest and other habitats rich in biodiversity that link between the natural protected areas (NPA). This dataset c...
Eastern plains protected landscape (EPL) in Cambodia
This dataset describes the eastern plains landscape (EPL), which covers an area over 30,000 square kilometers and spans four provinces (Ratank Kiri, Mondul Kiri, Kratie and Stun...
Assessment of existing fund mechanisms under Cambodian Law for a national REDD+ fund
This report is about the assessment of existing fund mechanism under Cambodia’s law for a national REDD+fund. The aim of this report is to support the first step in a process fo...