Kep city land use master plan for 2030 vision
This map is a plan for the land use for Kep city in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Siem Reap city land use master plan for 2035 vision
This map shows the land use master plan of Siem Reap city for 2035 vision. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Land cover in Cambodia (2012- 2016)
The land cover is extracted from the Regional Land Cover Monitoring System (https://rlcms-servir.adpc.net/en/landcover/) which is developed by SERVIR-Mekong. The primitives are ...
Battambang provincial land use plan for 2030 vision
This map is a plan for the land use for Battambang province in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Kampot city land use master plan for 2030 vision
This map is a plan for the land use for Kampot city in 2030. It was officially adopted in 2018 by the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Land use master plan of Phnom Penh city 2035
This map shows the land use master plan of Phnom Penh city in 2035 which was adopted by the Royal Government of Cambodia in accordance with Sub-decree No. 181 on 23 December 2015.