Coming out in the Kingdom Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Cambodia
This report, Coming out in the Kingdom: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Cambodia, is an output of the LGBT Rights Project implemented by the Cambodia...
Gender and REDD+: an assessment in the Oddar Meanchey community forestry REDD+ site, Cambodia
The importance of integration of gender in sustainable forest management has been proven through decades of research and experience. By contrast, consideration of gender in the ...
Monitoring aid effectiveness from a gender perspective: Country report Cambodia
This Cambodia country case study on Monitoring Aid Effectiveness from a Gender Perspective was part of a broader international study led by UN Women and supported by the Office ...
Supporting the monitoring of aid effectiveness from a gender perspective, key findings and recommendations
The report assesses how far Cambodia has progressed in terms of the inclusion of a gender perspective in their aid effectiveness processes and to what extent CSOs participate an...
Collateral damage: Land loss and abuses in Cambodia’s microfinance sector
Collateral Damage: Land Losses and Abuses in Cambodia’s Microfinance Sector details the size and scope of Cambodia’s MFI sector and seeks to highlight the human rights abuses th...
General Population Census of Cambodia 2008 National Report on Final Census Results
This document contains general information of Cambodia's population census for 2008 with figures at a glance.