Press release on 3 indigenous communities to receive communal land titles
Three indigenous villages comprising 329 families in the northeast region of Cambodia have been granted communal land titles by the Royal Government, the first to be issued in t...
Notification no. 082 on border demarcation, measurement and judgment of indigenous community land
The purpose of this notification is to give information to the public on Municipal-provincial governor and land authority Svay are going to demarcate the border, measure, and ma...
Access to collective land titles for indigenous communities in Cambodia
From 2011 to August 2021, 33 collective land titles were granted to Cambodia's indigenous communities, with only 3 CLTs granted in 2020. CCHR encourages the Royal Government of ...
Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia
United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (76th Session 2010) The rights of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia, shadow report, submitted by Indigenous Peo...
Self-identification of indigenous community
The spatial data illustrate the information of indigenous communities which have themselves recognized as the indigenous communities by the Ministry of Rural Development. In nee...
Indigenous people areas in Cambodia
This vector dataset describes the areas where the indigenous communities were located in Cambodia. Dataset were provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in vector format by ...
Indigenous People Planning Framework of the Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project
The Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF) is a safeguard document prepared for the Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project (CSLEP). The IPPF is part of the o...
Study on ethnic minority participation in 2012 commune election: Eight selected communes in northeast Cambodia
This project seeks to understand what has been done in the past and what can be done in the future to promote ethnic minority rights in commune elections. In so doing, KID study...
Impact of government policies and corporate land grabs on indigenous people’s access to common lands and livelihood resilience in Northeast Cambodia
This article reveals that land grabbing adversely affects communal solidarity and local governance effectiveness. It also demonstrates how commons grabbing—including land sales ...
Contribution of Open Data to the Protection of Indigenous People’s Livelihood, Land Security and Natural Resource Sustainability
The overall objective of this paper is to follow up on the research that aims to understand how indigenous communities’statistics have been widely used in development projects i...
Policy on registration and right to use of land of indigenous peoples
The purpose of this policy is to register the indigenous communal land to ensure the land tenure, poverty reduction, national economic development, sustainable land use manageme...
Sub-Decree No. 83 on procedures of registration of land of indigenous communities
This sub-decree is to establish the principle, procedure, and mechanism to register the indigenous community land as the collective ownership with the objective to provide land ...
The expansion of mining activities and indigenous peoples’ rights in Mondulkiri province
This the cases study of Gati village, Keo Seima district and Pou Rapeth village, Pechreada District, Mondulkiri province in 2009. The objective of the case studies of Analyzing ...
Asia regional workshop: Indicators relevant for indigenous peoples, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Millennium Development Goals
Proceedings of a regional workshop on Held in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, 7-10 November 2006. The objectives of the Workshop were: (a) to learn about global wor...
Collection of manuals on a process and methodology for identifying and registering indigenous people communities as legal persons, and registration of indigenous people's communal land
The annex of Collection of manuals on a process and methodology for identifying and registering indigenous people communities as legal persons, and registration of indigenous p...
Lessons learnt of communal land titling for indigenous community in La In village Ratanakiri province, Northeast Cambodia
Documentation on lessons learnt was done in order to enhance the knowledge of indigenous people and other stakeholders so they would understand the process of land titling for i...
Remark on Indigenous ethnic minority communal land rights: policy and achievements
In order to temporarily protect the land use rights of the indigenous ethnic minority communities, the General Secretariat of the Council for Land Policy and the MLMUPC shall wo...
Cambodia, third phase of the Mekong integrated water resources management project, indigenous people’s policy framework
This document provides the Indigenous Peoples Policy Framework for the third phase of the Mekong Integrated Water Resources Management Project in Cambodia. This framework will b...