Sub-Decree no. 181 on reclassifying Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary from 431,683 hectares to 489,663 hectares in Kratie, Kampong Thom, Stung Treng, and Preah Vihear provinces.
Sub-Decree no. 176 on reclassifying Phnom Tnaot-Phnom Pok Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Phnom Tnaot-Phnom Pok Wildlife Sanctuary from 42,097 hectares to 51,730 hectares in Preah Vihear and Siem Reap provinces.
Sub-decree no. 182 on reclassifying Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary from 292, 690 hectares to 317,456 hectares in Mondulkiri and Kratie province.
Sub-decree no. 36 on land adjustment of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
This sub-decree covers 4 areas with a total area of 71,069 m2 (seventy-one thousand zero, sixty-nine square meters) located in Sangkat Samrong and Sangkat Prek Pnov, Khan Prek P...
Sub-Decree no. 168 on reclassifying Sre Pok Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree changes Sre Pok Wildlife Sanctuary from 372,971 hectares to 372,707 hectares located in Mondulkiri province.
Sub-Decree no. 196 on reclassifying Phnom Preah Veng Natural Heritage Park
This sub-decree changed Phnom Preah-Phnom Veng Natural Heritage Park from 1,500 hectares to 1,492 hectares in Banteay Meanchey and Oddar Meanchey provinces.
Sub-Decree no. 160 on reclassifying Ang Trapaeng Thmor Protected Landscape
This sub-decree expands Ang Trapeang Thmor Protected Landscape from 12,650 hectares to 24,212 hectares in Banteay Meanchey and Oddar Meanchey provinces.
Sub-Decree no. 193 on reclassifying Banteay Chhmar Protected Landscape
This sub-decree expands Banteay Chhmar Protected Landscape from 81,200 hectares to 84,825 hectares in Oddar Meanchey and Banteay Meanchey provinces.
Sub-Decree no. 172 on reclassifying North Tonle Sap Lowlands Protected Landscape
This sub-decree expands North Tonle Sap Lowlands Protected Landscape from 31,159 hectares to 31,787 hectares in Kampong Thom and Siem Reap provinces.
Sub-Decree no. 170 on reclassifying Koh Kapi Ramsar
This sub-decree expands Koh Kapi Ramsar from 12,000 hectares to 14,029 hectares in Koh Kong province.
Sub-Decree no. 165 on reclassifying Dong Peng Multiple Use Area
This sub-decree expands Dong Peng Multiple Use Area from 27,700 hectares to 38,628 hectares in Koh Kong and Sihanouk provinces. This area comes from the combination of 27,700 he...
Sub-Decree no. 161 on reclassifying Sor Sor Sdom Sat To Multiple Use Area
This sub-decree expands Sor Sor Sdom Sat To Multiple Use Area from 839 hectares to 5,327 hectares in Kratie province.
Sub-Decree no. 184 on reclassifying Angkor Protected Landscape
This sub-decree expands Angkor Protected Landscape from 10,800 hectares to 13,741 hectares in Siem Reap Province.
Sub-Decree no. 169 on reclassifying Sam Lout Multiple Use Area
This sub-decree reclassified Sam Lout Multiple Use Area from 60,000 hectares, as stated in the Royal Decree dated 1st November 1993 on the establishment of protected areas to 60...
Sub-Decree no. 171 on reclassifying Anlung Pring Protected Landscape
This sub-decree expands Anlung Pring protected landscape from 217 hectares to 219 hectares in Kampot province.
Sub-Decree no. 195 on reclassifying Preah Vihear Phnom Dangrek Protected Landscape
This sub-decree reclassified Preah Vihear Temple Protected Area to Preah Vihear-Phnom Dangrek Protected Landscape and expands from 5,000 hectares to 47,318 hectares in Oddar Mea...
Sub-Decree no. 190 on reclassifying Prey Prasob Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Prek Prasob Wildlife Sanctuary from 12,770 hectares to 14,221 hectares in Kratie province.
Sub-Decree no. 197 on the establishment of Stung Treng Protection Landscape
This sub-decree established Stung Treng Protection Landscape with an area of 37,852 hectares in Stung Treng Province.
Sub-Decree no. 194 on reclassifying Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary from 253,750 hectares to 258,172 hectares in Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, and Pursat provinces. The area comes from the ...
Sub-Decree no. 180 on reclassifying Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary from 250,000 to 356,087 hectares in Ratanakkiri, Mondulkiri, Stung Treng, and Kratie provinces.