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459 datasets found

ប្រធានបទ: Population and censuses

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  • Population density from 1995 to 2000 Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia

    Population density of Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam based on data from the World Data Bank. This dataset also includes a visualization of the data using...

  • World Development Indicators

    World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI), 2015.

  • GMS database of large urban areas, 1950-2050 population estimates

    This database represents the historic, current and future estimates and projections with number of inhabitants for the world's largest urban areas from 1950-2050. The data...

  • អត្រាភាពក្រីក្រតាមបណ្តាឃុំសង្កាត់ ក្រុងស្រុកខណ្ឌ និង ខេត្តរាជធានីឆ្នាំ ២០១៥

    ឯកសារនេះនឹងបង្ហាញពីព័ត៌មានអំពីអត្រាភាពក្រីក្រ ចំនួនប្រជាជន និងចំនួនគ្រួសារសរុប នៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាដោយផ្អែកលើទិន្នន័យមូលដ្ឋានឃុំសង្កាត់ខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ ២០១៥។ ព័ត៌មានទាំងនេះមាន ៣ កម្...

  • The 2003 agricultural census (Thailand)

    A report on Thailand’s 2003 Agricultural Census. The report outlines the census aims, methodology and summarises the findings. Graphs are provided on number of agricultural...

  • Basic statistics 2015 (indicators of the Millennium Development Goals)

    Basic Statistics 2015 covers the indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) such as the proportion of population living below $1.25 (PPP) a day, infant mortality...

  • GMS Major Urban Areas

    GMS Urban Areas represents the major urban areas (polygons), with populations greater than 10,000.

  • Lao census of agriculture 2010/11 highlights

    A report presenting results of the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11. The census involved 1) surveying all villages in the country to collect data on rural infrastructure and...

  • Summary of the labor force survey in Thailand: March 2015

    A summary of the Thailand labour force survey in March 2015. Data is provided on unemployment by age, sex, region and educational attainment; under-employment; labor force...

  • Census results in brief (Laos population census 2005 and 1995)

    A report summarising the results of the Laos Population Census in 2005 and comparing findings with the 1995 Census. The report provides data on population size and composition;...

  • (Thailand) Major findings of the 2013 household energy consumption

    This report presents findings on household energy consumption processed from Household Socio-Economic Survey microdata. The survey data were collected from about 52,000 sample...

  • The Population and Housing Census of Myanmar, 2014. Summary of the provisional results

    This report summarises provisional results of Myanmar’s 2014 population and housing census. (Main census results released in May 2015.) The provisional results provide the total...

  • Live long and prosper: Aging in East Asia and Pacific

    This report explores the rapidly changing and diverse demographics of East Asian and Pacific countries. It documents policy frameworks on aging and explores the implications of...

  • The Cambodia socio-economic survey (information sheet)

    An information sheet providing background on the Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey, a household survey relating to poverty and living conditions. Information is provided on survey...

  • General population census of Cambodia 2008: Provisional population totals

    Preliminary findings of Cambodia's 2008 census, providing information on population size and distribution. The results include background to the census, and data on the...

  • Presentation: Current population census of Cambodia 2008

    A presentation on Cambodia's population census 2008. The presenter discusses the census background, funding, cartography, training, dissemination and users of the census....

  • 2008 General population census plan of Cambodia

    This document provides a plan for conducting a population census in Cambodia in March 2008, completing most of the data processing by the middle of 2009, and analyzing and...

  • World marriage patterns 2000

    Data on marriage patterns for all countries. Indicators include average age at first marriage/singulate mean age at marriage (SMAM); the proportions of ever-married persons aged...

  • (Vietnam) The 1/4/2013 time-point population change and family planning survey, major findings

    A report summarising the findings of Vietnam’s 2013 population change and family planning survey. This annual survey collects information on population; population change,...

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