Sub-decree no. 106 on the cutting of 5 hectares of land from the broadcasting station and restoring the forest Trapeang Thum situated in Prey Sloek commune, Treang district, Takeo province, in order to reclassify it as state private land to the 2nd office of the Army of the Ministry of National Defense
This sub-decree no. 106 shows the cutting of 5 hectares of land from the broadcasting station and the restoration of the forest Trapeang Thum situated in Prey Sloek commune, Tra...
Sub-decree no. 105 on Boeung Ta Mok reformation (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
Sub-decree no. 105 on the reformation of the area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh, decided to cut a area with a total area of 10 hectares in Sangkat Ponsang, ...
Sub-decree no. 90 on the reclassification and the adjustment of Zone 3 situated in Thma Koul district, Aek Phnum district, Sangkae district, Moung Ruessei district, Battambang province
This sub-decree shows the land cutting of an area of 1353 hectares 34 ares in Kaoh Chiveang and Prey Chas commune, Aek Phnum district, Battambang province from the areas 3 of ...
Sub-decree no. 75 on Boeung Ta Mok reformation (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
Sub-decree no. 75 on the reformation of the area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh, decided to cut a area with a total area of 20,462 square meters in Sangkat Kou...
Sub-decree no. 85 on the reclassification of 565 hectares 76 ares 79 centi-ares in Tboung Khmum Province
This sub-decree aims to reclassify a state private land with an area of 565 hectares 76 ares 79 centi-ares, located Memot, and Ponhea Kraek district, Tboung Khmum province as a...
Sub-decree no. 74 on Boeung Ta Mok reformation (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh
Sub-decree no. 74 on the reformation of the area of Boeung Ta Mok (Boeung Kob Srov) in Phnom Penh, decided to cut two areas with a total area of 13,539 square meters in Sangkat ...
Sub-decree no. 84 on the reclassification of 653 hectares 27 ares in Svay Rieng province
This sub-decree aims to reclassify a state private land with an area of 653 hectares, 27 ares, located Romeas Haek district, Svay Teab district, Chantrea district, Kampong Rou...
Sub-decree no. 88 on the reclassification of Zone 3 and the adjustment of Zone 3 situated in Kralanh district, Puok district, Siem Reap city, Prasat Bakong district, Soutr Nikom district and Chi Kreng district, Siem Reap province
This sub-decree reclassified 640 hectares 41 ares in Puok district, Siem Reap city, Prasat Bakong district, Soutr Nikom district and Chi Kreng district, Siem Reap province from ...
Sub-decree no. 48 on the reclassification of sustainable use areas and subdivisions on a total area of 174,6438 hectares situated in Koh Rong national marine park, Koh Rong geography, Preah Sihanouk province.
This sub-decree defined on the management area on a total area of 174,6438 hectares, (1) on an area of 90,86060 hectares and (2) on an area of 83,7678 hectares situated in...
Sub-decree no. 57 on land cutting of area 3 of the Tonle Sap area in Banteay Meanchey province
This sub-decree shows the land cutting of an area of 3441 hectares 10 ares in Mongkol Borei district, Banteay Meanchey Province from the areas 3 of Tonle Sap defined by sub-de...
Sub-decree no. 64 on the cutting land of 60000 square meters, located in Krapeu village, Ballangk commune, Prasat Bakong district, Siemreap province from the forest cover 2002 to reclassify as state private land and grant ownership to national police school, region 4
This sub-decree aims to cut the land of 60000 square meters, located in Krapeu village, Ballangk commune, Prasat Bakong district, Siemreap province from the forest cover 2002...
Sub-decree no. 59 on the reclassification of state private land with an area of 1467 hectares, located within Kep city and Damnak Chang'aeur district, Kep province
This sub-decree aim to reclassify an area of 1467 hectares located in Kep city and Damnak Chang'aeur district, Kep province, which is the state public land to the state privat...
Sub-decree no. 56 on the cutting land of 1 hectares 21 ares 61 centi-ares in Stung Hav district, Preah Sihanouk province from the forest cover 2002 to reclassify as state private and grant ownership to citizen
This sub-decree aims to cut the land of 1hectares 21 ares 61 centi-ares in Stung Hav district, Preah Sihanouk province from the forest cover 2002 to reclassify as state private ...
Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone
Determining 17,650 hectares as sustainable use zones in Oaral Wildlife Sanctuary in Oaral district of Kampong Spue province, and granting the land for agro-industry investment t...
Sub-Decree no. 181 on reclassifying Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary from 431,683 hectares to 489,663 hectares in Kratie, Kampong Thom, Stung Treng, and Preah Vihear provinces.
Sub-Decree no. 176 on reclassifying Phnom Tnaot-Phnom Pok Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Phnom Tnaot-Phnom Pok Wildlife Sanctuary from 42,097 hectares to 51,730 hectares in Preah Vihear and Siem Reap provinces.
Sub-decree no. 182 on reclassifying Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary
This sub-decree expands Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary from 292, 690 hectares to 317,456 hectares in Mondulkiri and Kratie province.
Sub-Decree no. 34 on cutting the land of 282 hectares, 79 acres, and 46 centi-acres from the Forest Cover 2002, cutting the land of 53 hectares, 47 acres, and 46 centi-acres the biodiversity conservation corridor protected area system, and reclassifying state private land for Praov indigenous communal land title in Rieng Vinh village, Ta Veaeng Leu commune, Ta Veaeng district, Ratanak kiri province as well as providing ownership rights of the plot
This sub-decree cuts the land of 282 hectares, 79 acres, and 46 centi-acres from the Forest Cover 2002, cuts the land of 53 hectares, 47 acres, and 46 centi-acres of the biodive...
Sub-Decree no. 33 on cutting the land of 817 hectares, 46 acres, and 72 centi-acres from the Forest Cover 2002, cutting the land of 12 hectares, 32 acres and 26 centi-acres from the biodiversity conservation corridor protected area system, and reclassifying state private land for Praov indigenous communal land title in the Pangkit village, Ta Veaeng Leu commune, Ta Veaeng district, Ratanakiri province as well as providing ownership rights of the plot
This sub-decree cuts the land of 817 hectares, 46 acres, and 72 centi-acres from the Forest Cover 2002, cuts the land of 12 hectares, 32 acres, and 26 centi-acres from the biodi...
Sub-Decree no. 31 on land reclassification of state public land into state private land on a total area of 19,635 square meters in village 3, Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk province
This sub-decree reclassifies state public land into state private land on a total area of 19,635 square meters in village 3, Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville, Sihanoukville Province.