Public-Private Partnership Act, B.E. 2562 (2019)
For the purpose of the execution of this Act, in the case where any partnership project involves more than one State agency and no agreement can be reached as to the project-ha...
Sub-decree no. 232 on the management of commercial advertising on products and services
This sub-decree applies to the advertisement of products, goods and services in all forms and by all means, including by digital means in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Sub-decree no. 216 on daily subsistence allowance for mission inside and outside the country
This sub-decree aims to set allowance for missions within and outside the country of heads of state, public civil servants, and contact officials of Ministries, Institutions, Na...
Instruction no. 047 on civil registration in accordance with the Law on Civil Registration, Civil Statistics and Identification
This instruction discuss the civil registration in accordance with the Law on Civil Registration, Civil Statistics and Identification
Guidelines no. 006 on data correction procedures and annulment of civil registrations (2024)
As the Ministry of Interior noticed that Cambodian citizens often face difficulty with the wrong information on their national identification cards, civil registration and other...
Law on civil status, civil status statistic, and identification
This law set rules and procedures relating to listing of the civil status, organizing the civil status statistic, listing of the personal identification, manage and organize lis...
Request for coordination to collect input from municipal, district and commune administrations as a basis for preparing "Guidelines on the management and use of social services and environmental sanitation of municipal, district and commune administrations"
The notification aims to notify the municipal, district and commune administrations of the meeting to collect input to establish "Guidelines on the management and use of social ...
Instruction on Water Subscription Fee of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority
This document is about the procedure of connection service of water supplied by Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) together with a tariff of house connection fee based on...
Decision No.200 on the suspension of some administrative services of the Municipality, District, Khan administration
The government has decided to suspend administrative services, which require citizens working in the informal economy to apply for a business license and resume business at the ...
Announcement on the opening of public bus service of City Bus Authority of Phnom Penh
The Phnom Penh Public Bus Authority would like to inform the public that in order to contribute to reducing traffic congestion, traffic accidents, reducing environmental impact ...
Law on public procurement
This law on public procurement sets out the rules, procedures, procedures and structures for managing and implementing all public procurement in order to ensure that procurement...
Royal Kram no. 1222/014 law on the payment of the general state budget for administration in 2021
The law on the payment of the general state budget for administration 2021, which was approved by the national assembly on November 29, 2022, at the 8th session of the national ...
Sub-decree no. 52 on the implementation of the quick and easy way to verify document(s) verify.gov.kh
Sub-decree no. 52 on the establishment of verify.gov.kh (https://www.verify.gov.kh/) documentation nursery for the elimination of forgery of documents provides ease of use and v...
Public procurement system reform strategy 2019-2025
The introduction of the Public Procurement System Reform Strategy 2019-2025 aims to accelerate and facilitate public procurement procedures in line with the direction of the 201...
Budget system reform strategy for sub-national administration 2019-2025
Budget System Reform Strategy for Sub-National Administration 2019-2025 aims to strengthen the full implementation of the program budget and to build the basis for the implement...
Cambodian Digital Government Policy 2022-2035
In accordance with the Cambodia Digital Economy and Society Policy Framework 2021-2035, the Government sets out the Cambodian Digital Government Policy 2022-2035, focusing on th...
Instruction No. 018 on forms and procedures of administrative services through the One Window Service mechanism of Commune/Sangkat administration
The One-Window-Service mechanism of Commune / Sangkat Administration is a one-stop-shop for administrative services in a simple, fast, transparent, accountable, and reliable man...
Budgetary Procedures Act, B.E. 2561 (2018)
The budget preparation, the administration of appropriations, the budget control and the evaluation as well as reporting shall be carried out in compliance with this Act and in ...
Prakas No. 449 on the establishment of the contribution rate procedures and formalities of the occupational risk and healthcare scheme payment to National Social Security Fund for persons defined the provisions of the Labor Law
This prokas aim to set the contribution rate procedures and formalities of the occupational risk and healthcare scheme payment to National Social Security Fund for persons defin...
Digitalization of Public Administration and Services Delivery Act, B.E. 2562 (2019)
"Digital government" means the use of digital technology as a management tool. Government and Public Services by improving the management and integration of government informati...