Hazardous Substances Act and Regulations Issued under the Hazardous Substances Act
Information about Hazardous Substances Act and Regulations Issued under the Hazardous Substances Act.
Hazardous Substance Act B.E. 2535
Junta’s attempt to ‘return forest’ hurts the poor
This is an article about reclaiming land by the Royal Forest Department officials from the farmers in Mae Ngao National Park in the northern province of Mae Hong Son.
Cultivate or Rent Out? Land Security in Rural Thailand
In the 1980s, the Thai government tried to legalize squatters living in certain geographical areas by issuing special titles that allowed for cultivation but restricted the sale...
Mangroves for the Future (2011). Thailand National Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2013
The execution under MFF national strategy and action plan to guide the second phase (2010-2013) implementation is intended to strengthen the cooperation of all partners...
Marine Knowledge Hub
Marine Knowledge Hub was developed under the Knowledge Management of National Marine Interest Project funded by Thailand Research Fund. The main objective is to establish a...
Illegal Logging Portal Thailand
The Illegal Logging Portal, hosted and maintained by Chatham House, provides information on illegal logging and the trade in illegal timber. It provides an overview of some of...
Taxation and Investment in Thailand 2017
Deloitte’s Taxation and Investment Guides analyze the investment climate, operating conditions and tax systems of most major trading jurisdictions.
Worldwide Governance Indicators. Country Data Report for Thailand 1996-2014
The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) are a research dataset summarizing the views on the quality of governance provided by a large number of enterprise, citizen and expert...
Enhancement and Conservation of the National Environmental Quality Act, B.E. 2535 (1992)
SmartWood’s certification of the Forest Industry Organisation - FIO’s history
Thailand’s Forest Industry Organisation was established in January 1947 as a state-owned forestry enterprise. Operating under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, FIO...
Thailand Forestry Outlook Study
The Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study (APFSOS) is a wide-ranging initiative to gather information on, and examine, the evolution of key forestry issues as well as to...
ຄຳແນະນຳຂອງຫົວໜ້າກົມກວດກາປ່າໄມ້ ສະບັບເລກທີ 0280/ກກປມ, 20/08/2008 ກ່ຽວກັບການຄຸ້ມຄອງ ແລະ ກວດກາຄ້ອນກາ ປມລ ເປັນຄ້ອນຕີກາຍຶດ ຫຼື ອາຍັດໄມ້ທີ່ຜິດກົດໝາຍກ່ຽວກັບປ່າໄມ້.
ຄຳແນະນຳຂອງຫົວໜ້າກົມກວດກາປ່າໄມ້ ສະບັບເລກທີ 0280/ກກປມ, 20/08/2008 ກ່ຽວກັບການຄຸ້ມຄອງ ແລະ ກວດກາຄ້ອນກາ ປມລ ເປັນຄ້ອນຕີກາຍຶດ ຫຼື ອາຍັດໄມ້ທີ່ຜິດກົດໝາຍກ່ຽວກັບປ່າໄມ້.
Sakon Nakhon Court jails villagers for forest encroachment
Article about jailing villagers for forest encroachment in the Thai village of Sakon Nakhon.
Commercial Registration According to Commercial Registration Act B.E.2499
Factory Act B.E. 2535 (1992)
The Cooperatives Act B.E. 2542 (1999)
Ratchaphatsadu Land (State Land) Act B.E. 2518
ບົດສະຫຼຸບກອງປະຊຸມ: ກອງປະຊຸມຝຶກອົບຮົມພາກພື້ນກ່ຽວກັບການຮັບປະກັນດ້ານກົດຫມາຍຂອງໄມ້ທ່ອນ
ບົດສະຫຼຸບຂອງກອງປະຊຸມ. ບັນຫາທີ່ໄດ້ປຶກສາຫາລືລວມມີການຄຸ້ມຄອງຂອງລັດຖະບານ ແລະ ການຮ່ວມມືກັບພາກເອກະຊົນເພື່ອຮັບປະກັນກົດຫມາຍກ່ຽວກັບການຂຸດຄົ້ນໄມ້.
ການແກ້ໄຂການຂຸດຄົ້ນຜິດກົດຫມາຍ ແລະ ການຄ້າທີ່ກ່ຽວຂ້ອງ
ບົດລາຍງານນີ້ແມ່ນຈຸດສູງສຸດຂອງໂຄງການ "ຕົວຊີ້ວັດຂອງການຕັດໄມ້ທ່ອນທີ່ຜິດກົດຫມາຍ" ຫຼາຍປີທານີ້ Chatham House ໄດ້ເຮັດການຄົ້ນຄວ້າຕິດຕາມ ແລະ ທຳຄວາມເຂົ້າໃຈຄວາມຄືບຫນ້າ ຄວາມພະຍາຍາມໃນທົ່ວໂລກເ...