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ບົດຄວາມ: Sustainable Development Goals

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  • A Guide to Thai Green Label Scheme

    A Guide to the Thai Green Label Scheme

  • From the MDGs to the SDGs, development goals change for sustainability.

    The article speaks to the transition of the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Food Systems and Natural Resources

    The authors provide solid evidence on the need to transition to more ‘resource-smart food systems’, an imperative for the achievement of at least 12 out of the 17 Sustainable...

  • SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

    During the September 2015 Sustainable Development Summit, hunger and food insecurity was one of the key topics of discussion, producing the SDG 2 – End Hunger and Achieve Food...

  • Asia-Pacific Aspirations: Perspectives for a Post-2015 Development Agenda

    The Asia-Pacific region as a whole has had considerable success with the MDGs, particularly in reducing levels of poverty. Nevertheless, the region is off track when it comes to...

  • Making SDGs Work for Climate Change Hotspots

    The impacts of climate change on people's livelihoods have been widely documented. It is expected that climate and environmental change will hamper poverty reduction, or even...

  • Women and sustainable development goals - Vietnam towards gender equity in 2030

    This publication is a contribution of UN Women to the UN in Viet Nam. The report examines 17 sustainable development goals from a gender perspective and indicates that gender...

  • Measurement to Assess the Effectiveness of System-level and SDG Investing

    The report examines how investors can chart a course to assess system-level issues (like those contained in the SDGs) appropriate for their specific situation, and then...

  • Tailoring Sustainable Development Goals into National Policies

    This is a presentation delivered by H.E Paris Chuop, PhD: Deputy Secretary-General, National Council for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia at the CLMV...

  • Thailand Environmental Quality Management Plan 2017-2021

    This is a powerpoint prepared by the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) and delivered at the National Policy Dialogue on the Urban Nexus in...

  • Thailand towards sustainable management of marine and coastal habits

    Universal call upon concert actions regarding ocean-related sustainable development have been requested to be applied and implemented at all levels form local and national to...

  • Sustainable Development Goals in Cambodia: Citizen Survey 2016

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) list the 17 key areas that must be included in national and international policy-making, in order to reduce poverty, fight inequality...

  • Illiterate Population

    Despite the steady rise in literacy rates over the past 50 years, there are still 750 million illiterate adults around the world, most of whom are women. These numbers produced...

  • Promoting Sustainable Development Through Disaster Risk Management

    Despite considerable advances in disaster risk management (DRM) understanding and know-how over the past few decades, there has been no evidence of a long-term decline in loss...

  • Space Technology and Geographic Information Systems Applications in ADB Projects

    To promote more effective applications in the field of sustainable development, sharing best practices is very important. This report provides an overview of the space...

  • Renewable energy outlook: Thailand

    The commitments that the Government of Thailand has made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20-25% from the business-as-usual scenario by 2030 requires concerted actions for...

  • Global Multidimensional Poverty Index

    The global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is an international measure of acute poverty covering over 100 developing countries. It complements traditional income-based...

  • Decision 432: Approving the Vietnam Sustainable Development Strategy 2011-2020

    To ratify the strategy for sustainable development in Vietnam in the 2011-2020 period with the following principal contents: i. Perspectives, objectives and priority...

  • Progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals

    Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 70/1, the Secretary-General, in cooperation with the United Nations system, has the honor to submit the report on progress towards the...

  • SDG Index & Dashboards Statistics Data

    The SDG Index and Dashboards Report provides a report card for country performance on the historic Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The annual report...

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