Report of the Human Rights Council on its thirty-third session
Part One: Resolutions, decisions and President’s statement adopted by the Human Rights Council Part Two: Summary of proceedings
Cambodia Fundamental Freedoms Monitor Year 4
Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC), Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) and the Solidarity Center have collaborated to collect...
Smoke on the Water: A Human Rights and Social Impact Assessment of the Destruction of the Tompoun/Cheung Ek Wetlands
More than one million people across Phnom Penh are facing the risk of increased flooding and over one thousand more families are at risk of evictions,...
Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia
United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (76th Session 2010) The rights of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia, shadow report, submitted by Indigenous...
Threatened Lands, Threatened Lives: Human Rights Situation of Indigenous People in Cambodia
This report on the human rights situation of indigenous peoples of Cambodia was prepared mainly from the contributions of indigenous peoples human rights defenders (IPHRDs) and...
Indigenous women in Southeast Asia: Challenges in their access to justice
This briefing paper is prepared as part of the advocacy of the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) for the respect, protection and recognition of the human rights of indigenous...
A Year of Growth and Consolidation: AIPP 2012 Annual Report
The year 2012 may have passed quickly, but this has been a year of significant advancement for AIPP. At the programme level, the Environment Programme has expanded to include...
AIPP has taken major steps forward in 2013 in strengthening the organization and in advancing the rights of indigenous women. As a result of the adoption of the AIPP Gender...
Burma Business Roundup (May 24, 2013)
An NGO monitoring Burma’s oil, gas and mining industries said that despite international praise being heaped on the government many of its deals with companies remain “secretive...
Worked to debt: Over-indebtedness in Cambodia's garment sector
This joint briefing paper is made under the Cambodian Alliance of Trade Union (CATU), Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL), and...
A Victory for Indigenous People The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
A Pan African Indigenous People's Conference on Adaptation & Mitigation
No sanctuary: ongoing threats to indigenous Montagnards in Vietnam's Central Highlands
For the last five years, the Central Highlands region of Vietnam has periodically erupted with social unrest. Thousands of indigenous minority people, known as Central...
Special Economic Zones in Myanmar and the State Duty to Protect Human Rights
This report by ICJ outlines key recommendations of why the Government of Myanmar should impose a moratorium on the development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) until it can...
The Human Cost of Energy Chevron's Continuing Role in Financing Oppression and Profiting from Human Rights Abuses in Military-Ruled Burma (Myanmar)
This report documents Chevron’s ongo-ing role in financing the military regime in Burma (Myanmar) and profiting from human rights abuses on the Yadana nat-ural gas...
Final Report of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State
The final report of the Advisory Commission chaired by Kofi Annan puts forward recommendations to surmount the political, socio-economic and humanitarian challenges that...
BTI 2016: Myanmar country report
The Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index (BTI) analyzes and evaluates the quality of democracy, a market economy and political management in 129 developing and transition...
Lords of Jade
Myanmar’s jade business may be the biggest natural resource heist in modern history. The sums of money involved are almost incomprehensibly high and the levels of accountability...
Going back to the old ways: A new generation of prisoners of conscience in Myanmar
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Understanding Myanmar
Backgrounder on Myanmar by Beina Xu and Eleanor Alberthttps://web.archive.org/backgrounder/understanding-myanmar