Video on indigenous live after floods and deforestation
This video shows indigenous live after floods and deforestation. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support Activity: cluster Anchor...
Video on the effect of flooding on Indigenous Peoples in Tangse Mlue village
This video shows the effect of flooding on Indigenous Peoples in Tangse Mlue village. The video is produced by indigenous people youths through the Civil Society Support...
Cambodia’s Early Warning System 1294: An Adaptable Technology Promoting Safety for All
Recognizing that the lack of flood information and warnings prevented families from preparing for floods, resulting in significant human and economic losses, People in Need...
Preliminary report: data on rainfall damage and impact 2020
This preliminary report presents data on casualties, damage and impacts on social sector, production sector and infrastructure by the 2020 raining flood.
Families affected by climate hazards 2016
This screenshot of website contains records of number of families affected by climate hazards comprising storm, flood and drought in 2016 at province level, which was extracted...
Cambodia atlas of gender and environment
In 2017, the Asia Foundation initiated the “Atlas of Gender and Environment” project to provide a more in-depth understanding of how gender informs environment-related...
Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF) situation report No. 03
This report is produced by the Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF), a network of United Nations (UN), non-government organizations (NGOs), and international organizations (IOs)...
Cambodia post-flood relief and recovery survey
There are two main objectives of the Cambodia post-flood relief and recovery survey. Firstly, the survey implementation intends to collect timely information on household and...
ການປະເມີນຄວາມສ່ຽງດ້ານການສະພາບດິນຟ້າອາກາດຢູ່ແຂວງອັດຕະປື, ສ ປ ປ ລາວ
ບົດລາຍງານນີ້ແມ່ນການສຶກສາເພື່ອປະເມີນຄວາມທຸກຍາກຂອງຄົວເຮືອນ ແລະ ຊຸມຊົນທີ່ເກີດຈາກໄພນໍ້າຖ້ວມຢູ່ແຂວງອັດຕະປື, ສ ປ ປ ລາວ ເຊິ່ງການສຶກສານີ້ແມ່ນຫນຶ່ງໃນສາມໃນການປະເມີນຜົນກະທົບທີ່ອາດເກີດຈາກກາ...
A Region at Risk: The Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific
The Asia and Pacific region is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Unabated warming could significantly undo previous achievements of economic development and...
Climate Change and its impact in Thailand: A short overview on actual and potential impacts of the changing climate in Southeast Asia
In 2011, Thailand was underwater: more than one million people were affected by severe flooding for several weeks as a result of persistent rainfall (World Bank, 2011). In...
Thai Flood 2011 Overview: Rapid Assessment for Resilient Recovery and Reconstruction Planning
In response to the prolonged and widespread flooding throughout Thailand in 2011, the Royal Thai Government, in conjunction with the World Bank and other development partners,...
Climate change in the Lower Mekong Basin, an analysis of economic values at risk
This report draws from a 2013 USAID analysis of climate change impacts in the Lower Mekong Basin that forecasts more extreme temperatures, rainfall, weather events and sea level...
Integrated water resources management-based basin development strategy 2016-2020 for the Lower Mekong Basin
A report jointly updated by country members of Mekong River Commission (MRC) on integrated water resources management-based basin development strategy 2016-2020 for the Lower...
Flood management and development planning, the allocation of risk
This paper aims to review current flood management in relation to the long-term development planning in Vietnam. The report discusses perceptions of flood risk and how these...
Assessing institutional capacities for flood disaster risk reduction
Floods are the most frequent and devastating natural disasters in the Asian region. Their impact has grown in spite of our improved ability to monitor and describe them. This...
Manual on flood preparedness program for provincial and district level authorities in the Lower Mekong Basin countries
A manual to assist provincial and district level disaster management committees to develop and implement a Flood Preparedness Program, developed from curriculum of training...
The water-food-energy nexus in the Mekong region
A presentation on the water-food-energy nexus in the Mekong region. Presenters discuss the relationships between these factors and analyse various policy interventions. Examples...
By the numbers: Economic impacts of climate change in the Lower Mekong Basin
An article about the possible impacts of climate change on the Mekong region, summarising a report of USAID’s Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change project. The...
Mekong Delta plan: long-term vision and strategy for a safe, prosperous and sustainable delta
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Kingdom of the Netherlands have signed a Strategic Partnership Arrangement on Climate Change Adaptation and Water Management (October...