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Last updated 2018၊ 13 ဇူလိုင်
Created 2018၊ 13 ဇူလိုင်
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လိုင်စင် CC-BY-3.0-IGO
အမည် Estimated illegally-sourced timber and wood products in Thailand, 2000-2012

Estimates of illegal wood imports by consumer and processing countries have been made based on an analysis of all wood product imports, including pulp and paper. The analysis uses estimates of illegally sourced timber content in individual wood flows, with variations across product groups and destination countries reflecting the effects of efforts made by certain importers to clean up supply chains and reflecting the different types of wood source used in different products. In addition to direct flows from affected producer countries, estimates have also been produced of illegal wood in flows from key third-party processing countries such as China, based on an analysis of these countries’ imports, their domestic production, and how the proportion of these has changed over time.

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