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  • The Impacts of Hydropower Dams in the Mekong River Basin: A Review

    This paper explores the social and environmental impacts of several Mekong basin hydropower dams and groupings of dams and the geographies of their impacts; the examination of t...

  • A Matter of Trust: Building Integrity into Data, Statistics and Records to Support the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

    This book explores, through a series of case studies, the substantial challenges for assembling reliable data and statistics to address pressing development challenges. Hopefull...

  • Forest Change in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) An Overview of Negative and Positive Drivers

    Forests in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) have been undergoing change in the last 25 years due to various factors. Positive and negative changes occur at the same time. Ther...

  • Posters: 9 Tips to Stay Safe Online in the Age of COVID-19

    9 Tips to Stay Safe Online in the Age of COVID-19

  • Internews Social Media Rumour Bulletin

    Collection of bulletins on misinformation/disinformation/rumours spread by social media, collected by Internews, on the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Rapid Gender Analysis during COVID-19 Pandemic: Mekong Sub-Regional Report

    This unprecedented crisis unfolds against many existing challenges including persistent gender inequalities, existing inequalities in access to health, weak health infrastructur...

  • Data for Development: The Road Ahead

    This report is the result of the Data, Artificial Intelligence and Society workshop that took place in Montevideo, Uruguay in March 2020 and was co-hosted by ILDA and IDRC. The ...

  • Statement of ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry in Response to the Outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) to Ensure Food Security, Food Safety and Nutrition in ASEAN

    Statement of ASEAN ministers on how to address the food security issue exacerbated by COVID-19.

  • Key lessons learnt on promoting water cooperation

    A summary of key lessons learnt on promoting water cooperation. The lessons are organized around two key issues: tools for enabling and sustaining cooperation and tools for impr...

  • Thailand’s Seafood Slaves: Human Trafficking, Slavery and Murder in Kantang’s Fishing Industry

    This report builds on over three years of in-depth research and field investigations to first expose abuse and then critically assess claims that slavery and 'pirate' fishing in...

  • ‘Whether you go illegally or legally in the end it’s the same, you’re cheated’ - A study of formal and informal recruitment practices of Lao workers migrating to Thailand

    The research presented in this report would not have been possible without the cooperation of numerous individuals, organisations, and companies. The research team is particular...

  • COVID-19 crisis and the informal economy Immediate responses and policy challenges

    At the end of April 2020, the number of COVID-19 infections had exceeded 2.8 million cases worldwide, with the death toll nearing 195,000, and 210 countries and territories affe...

  • The Role of Special Economic Zones in Improving Effectiveness of Greater Mekong Subregion

    The paper first reviews the global literature on SEZs and the history of SEZs in the GMS, with emphasis on particular features of border SEZs when two bordering countries have d...

  • Report of the Human Rights Council on its thirty-third session

    Part One: Resolutions, decisions and President’s statement adopted by the Human Rights Council Part Two: Summary of proceedings

  • Thirteenth General Programme of Work 2019–2023. WHO Results framework

    This provides an overview on the Thirteenth General Programme of Work by WHO. The WHO Results Framework will be adopted between 2019 and 2023. This document summarizes the plan...

  • Climate change vulnerability mapping for greater Mekong sub-region

    It is well recognized that the impacts of climate change pose a serious threat to socio-economic, environment, and people’s livelihoods,particularly those in developing cou...

  • Holding the Line: South East Asia Media Freedom Report 2019

    As our title suggests, South East Asia’s media is determinedly Holding the Line against forces both overt and unseen, both online and offline that are trying in various ways to ...

  • Chinese Intentions Towards the Mekong River and Mainland South-East Asia

    The Asian Development Bank estimated that South-East Asia will require $3.1 trillion between 2016 and 2030 to develop energy, transportation, water and sanitation systems for su...

  • The Indigenous World 2020

    The compilation you have in your hands is the unique result of a collaborative effort between Indigenous and non-Indigenous activists and scholars who voluntarily document and r...

  • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

    The States Parties to the present Covenant, Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent d...