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755 datasets found

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  • A New Dawn for Equitable Growth in Myanmar? Making the Private Sector Work for Small-Scale Agriculture

    The new wave of political reforms have set Myanmar on a road to unprecedented economic expansion, but, without targeted policy efforts and regulation to even the playing field, ...

  • Labor force participation and unemployment by gender and age group

    A breakdown of labor force participation rates and unemployment rates by gender and age groups according to the 2014 Population and Household Census.

  • Agribusiness Models for Inclusive Growth in Myanmar: Diagnosis and Ways Forward

    Myanmar is at a crossroad. Given high levels of landlessness and land inequality and low productivity of most small and medium-scale farmers (SMFs), the country is searching for...

  • Five-Year Strategic Plan for Health Information System in Myanmar (2011-2015)

    The Health Information System Strategic Plan (2011-2015) is the first strategic plan for Health Information System in Myanmar. Before that all activities conducted for strengthe...

  • Customary Land Management and Legal Frameworks: Experiences from Around the World

    This purpose of this paper is to present a brief summary of the issues and current situations facing ethnic and indigenous communities around the world that are using a customar...

  • Briefing Paper on Research on Agricultural Investments

    Agricultural investments are crucial to improve productivity and to raise the incomes and food security. Investments by small-holder farmers themselves are the main source of ag...

  • The Farmland Law

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  • Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)

    Data from the World Bank database on Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) for all countries.

  • Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births)

    This is a dataset from the World Bank Database, which shows the under 5 mortality rater per 1,000 live births for all countries

  • Myanmar Country Environmental Analysis: Forest Resources Sector Report

    This report analyzes the underlying challenges, builds on international best practice, and makes recommendations on the forest sector in Myanmar.

  • Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) Country Profiles 2018 Myanmar

    The country profile provides a snapshot of the current situation regarding non-communicable diseases in Myanmar. It shows current estimates, risk factors to develop non-communic...

  • Joint external evaluation of IHR Core Capacities of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

    The International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) provide obligations and rights for States Parties. In some States Parties, implementation of the IHR (2005) may require new or ...

  • Myanmar National Health Plan 2017 - 2021

    The formulation of the National Health Plan 2017- 2021 presents a unique opportunity to outline a new path for the health system that will help the country move towards Universa...

  • Maternal mortality: Levels and trends 2000 to 2017

    In anticipation of the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals, the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners released a consensus statement and full strategy paper on en...

  • Out of pocket expenditure (% of current health expenditure) 2016

    A dataset of out-of-pocket expenditure (% of current health expenditure) in 2016 for all LMCs in .xls format.

  • Myanmar New HIV infections all ages 1990 to 2018

    A dataset of new HIV infections for all ages in Myanmar between 1990 and 2018 in .xls format. Published by UNAIDS on the AidsInfo website. Website allows to download worksheet c...

  • Myanmar union-level budget data

    Union-level budget data from officially-published gazettes from Fiscal Year 2011-12 to 2017-18.

  • 2017 Land Acquisition Bill (Unofficial Translation) [Nov '17 DRAFT]

    This dataset has no description

  • Integrating Analytical Frameworks to Investigate Land-Cover Regime Shifts in Dynamic Landscapes

    Regime shifts—rapid long-term transitions between stable states—are well documented in ecology but remain controversial and understudied in land use and land cover change (LUCC)...

  • Paradigm Trap: The Development Establisments Embrace of Myanmar and How to Break Loose

    Is it possible for Myanmar to take a path to sustainable development that would avoid the pitfalls of the orthodox development paradigm? This report argues that this is not only...