Harbor and port of Vietnam
A geospatial point dataset containing all known seaports and inland port in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, name and port classification.
National Protected Areas of Vietnam
Dataset is polygon data with geospatial referecing. The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global spatial dataset on marine and terrestrial prote...
Hydropower plants in Vietnam by June 2016
The dataset includes hydropowers recognized on Google Earth. It is still under-construction. Major source for the dataset comes from WLE 2016 (https://wle-mekong.cgiar.org/maps/...
Airports of Vietnam
A geospatial point dataset containing all known airports in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, object code, name, city, type, ICAO and IATA code .
World Protected Area and Heritage Site of Vietnam
Dataset is polygon data with geospatial referecing. The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global spatial dataset on marine and terrestrial prote...
Soil types of Vietnam
Dataset of soil types of Vietnam is a geospatial polygon data which is based on FAO classification.
Road and railway network of Vietnam
A geospatial dataset containing polylines of transportation network in Vietnam. It contains the railways, the principal roads and the secondary roads.
River network of Viet Nam
A geospatial dataset mapping river systems in Viet Nam. Attributes include: name of river, name of basin, name of sub-basin, Strahler number.
Railway station of Vietnam
A geospatial point dataset containing all known railway stations in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, object code, station's name.
Provincial administration of Vietnam
Provincial administration is polygon dataset containing limit of provinces in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, province name.
District administration of Vietnam
District administration is polygon dataset containing limit of districts in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, district name, provincial name, population (statistic in...
Administrative boundary of Vietnam
This is a geospatial dataset of polylines describing administrative boundaries of Viet Nam. The dataset published by Department of Survey and Mapping, Ministry of Nutural Resour...
61 Poorest Districts in Vietnam
Map and information about poorest districts in Vietnam defined in the Resolution No. 30/A/2008/NQ-CP on Speedy and Sustainable Poverty Reduction Programme For the 61 Poor...