[Draft] Initial environmental and social impact assessment (IEIA) on gold mining exploration of XING YUAN KANNG YEAK CO., LTD.
XING YUAN KANNG YEAK Co., Ltd., a foreign corporation (Cambodia-China) registered with the Ministry of Commerce with an initial investment of 20,000,000 Riels on January 10,...
[Draft] Initial environmental impact assessment on 230kV high voltage transmission lines project from Stung Hav substation to the western substation of Phnom Penh
Alex Corporation Co., LTD. has invested US$ 119,146,000. The company has experience in the construction of coal-fired power lines and hydropower projects. The 230-kilovolt...
[Draft] Initial environmental impact assessment (IEIA) on GMS tourism infrastructure for inclusive growth project
The Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) tourism infrastructure for Inclusive growth Project is formed by three countries including Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam to enhance tourism...
[Draft] Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA): An investment project in rubber plant development and processing in Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary, Sakream Commune, Prasat Balangk and Stoung District, Kampong Thom Province.
The objective of land use, BEAN HEACK Investment Co., Ltd, is to ensure sustainability of rubber plantations.
[Draft] Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA) on Atay hydropower project in Veal Veng district Pursat project
The Stung Atay Hydropower Development Project was signed between the Royal Government and China Yunan Corporation for International Techchno-Economic Cooperation (CYC) on...
Myanmar Pongpipat Co., Ltd._Scoping Report for EIA of Heinda Mine
This scoping report is prepared for ESIA of Heindamine Mine near Heinda Village, Myitta Township, Tanintharyi Region. The project proponent is Myanmar Pongpipat Co., Ltd. and...
Myanmar International Terminals Thilawa limited (MITT)_Environmental Management Plan for Port Terminal in Thilawa
This EMP is prepared for Port Terminal Operation by MITT to submit to ECD in January 2020, as per Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC). The total land area of the project is 75...
Dawei Development Public Co., Ltd. (DDPC)_Initial Environmental Examination for Orchid Garden Resort near Maung Ma Kan Beach
This IEE is prepared for Orchid Garden Resort, in Maung Ma Kan Village, Laung Lone Township, Tanintharyi Region, according to the Environmental Conservation Law (2012) and...
TTCL Power Myanmar Company Limited (TPMC)_ESIA for LNG Power Plant (Ahlone) in Yangon
This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) will only cover the LNG Receiving Terminal, Pipeline, and Power Plant; while an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)...
June Cement Industry Ltd._Initial Environmental Examination for Clay Soil Production Project in Kyaikmaraw Township
This IEE report is prepared by 3rd party, E Guard Environmental Services Co., Ltd. for June Cement Industry Ltd. for the project of Clay Soil Production located at Near Kaw Pa...
Myanmar Conch Cement Co., Ltd._Environmental Impact Assessment for Thandawmyat Limestone Quarry in Kyaukse Industrial Zone
This ESIA report is prepared for the proposed Limestone Quarry at Thandawmyat area, Kyaukse Township, Mandalay Region. The project proponent is Myanmar Conch Cement Co., Ltd....
Hoya International Resort Co., Ltd._Initial Environmental Examination for International Hotel Project
This IEE is prepared for the international hotel project of Hoya International Resort Co., Ltd. and the project is location is No.218, Yangon-Insein Road, Hlaing Township,...
DELCO Ltd._Environmental Management Plan for existing Kanbauk Mine Project
This EMP is prepared for the existing operational mining activities within the Kanbauk Tin and Tungsten Mine Project which is located in Kanbauk Township, Dawei District,...
June Cement Industry Ltd._Initial Environmental Examination for Construction of Jetty in Kyaikmaraw Township
June Cement Industry Limited proposed to conduct the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report for proposed jetty construction, at near Kaw Pa Naw Village, Kyaikmaraw...
Good Shan Brother International Co., Ltd._Initial Environmental Examination for Saytan Island Report
This IEE report is prepared for the development of an island resort in the Saytan Islands which is located 33 nautical miles southwest of the mainland from Kawthoung Township,...
A1 Mining Co., Ltd._Revised EIA Report for Medium-scale Mining of Tin and Tungsten in Tanintharyi Region
This EIA is prepared for medium-scale mining of tin and tungsten in Kyein Chaung Village, Nyaung Pin Kwin Village Tract, Tanintharyi Township, Tanintharyi Region. The total area...
Century Bright Gold Co., Ltd._Initial Environmental Examination for Bo Wei Island Resort
This Initial Environmental Examination is prepared for the island resort in the Bo Wei Islands located to the notrth-west of Kawthong District, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar. The...
Ruby Dragon Mining Co., Ltd._Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
The objectives of this ECC are to: 1. prevent, minimize, and/or offset adverse environmental and social impacts; 2. confirm the Project commitments and obligations of the...
Know The Truth Group Co., Ltd._Environmental Management Plan for Central Hotel at Ngwe Saung Beach
The proposed hotel project is located at the Ngwe Saung Beach, Pathein Township, Ayeyarwady Region, The land area is 45.98 acres. The project proponent, Know The Truth Group...
June Cement Industry Ltd._Initial Environmental Examination for Construction of Canal in Kyaikmaraw Township
This report has been prepared by third party; E Guard Environmental Services Co., Ltd. for June Cement Industry Ltd. for the project of Construction of Canal (Channel 1) of June...
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