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326 datasets found

บทความ: Climate change

  • Low-Carbon Transport Policy in Four ASEAN Countries: Developments in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam

    Emerging countries in Southeast Asia are facing considerable challenges in addressing rising motorisation and its negative impact on air quality, traffic, energy security,...

  • Total greenhouse gas emissions (% change from 1990)

    The EDGARv4.3.2 emissions dataset are calculated for the three main greenhouse gases per sector and country. For the energy related sectors the activity data are mainly based on...

  • Global Environmental Fund Climate Change funded projects

    The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is a partnership of 18 agencies - including United Nations agencies, multilateral development banks, national entities, and international...

  • Vietnam's National Climate Change Strategy

    Executive. National Climate Change Strategy and Decision No. 2139 / QD-TTg on Approving the National Climate Change Strategy. The Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of...

  • The Paris Agreement

    The Paris Agreement builds upon the Convention and – for the first time – brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and...

  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992)

    The ultimate objective of this Convention and any related legal instruments that the Conference of the Parties may adopt is to achieve, in accordance with the relevant...

  • Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent)

    The Emissions Time Series, EDGAR aims to inform scientists and policy makers on the evolution of the emission inventories over time for all world countries.

  • Grassroots capacity building for REDD+ in Asia

    This document reviews the successes and challenges of the REDD+ program's capacity building efforts across multiple countries, as well as looks ahead to potential next phases...

  • Law on the Approval of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

    The Paris Agreement on Climate Change is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation,...

  • Law on the Approval of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change

    This Convention is an international environmental treaty. Its objective is to "stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous...

  • Inside and outside the maps: mutual accommodation and forest destruction in Cambodia

    The paper focuses on how climate change mitigation policies and economic land and mining concessions in Prey Lang, Cambodia, accommodate and facilitate each other physically,...

  • National Adaptation Policy on Climate Change in Lao PDR

    Presentation on National Adaptation Policy on Climate Change in LAO PDR

  • ASEAN Guidelines on the Promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Practices

    The establishment of the ASEAN Climate Resilience Network, and the preparation of this document were fundamentally linked. This Guideline is the product of several research...

  • Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 9th Draft

    The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving,...

  • Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 8th Draft

    The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving,...

  • Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 7th Draft

    The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving,...

  • Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 6th Draft

    The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving,...

  • Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 5th Draft

    The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving,...

  • Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 4th Draft

    The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving,...

  • Draft Environment and Natural Resources Code: 3rd Draft

    The purpose of this Environment and Natural Resources Code is to enable the sustainable development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, by protecting the environment and conserving,...

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