Natural protected areas and biodiversity conservation corridors
Biodiversity conservation corridors are uninterrupted areas of forest and other habitats rich in biodiversity that link between the natural protected areas (NPA). This dataset...
Strategic environmental assessment of the strategic planning framework for fisheries in Cambodia
The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) addresses the Strategic Planning Framework for Fisheries 2010-2024 (SPF) and the National Aquaculture Development Strategy Policy...
Resettlement Policy Framework of the Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project
This document is the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for the proposed Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project (CSLEP) prepared by the Ministry of Environment...
Process Framework of the Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project
This document is the Process Framework (PF) for the proposed Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project (CSLEP) prepared by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) with...
Environmental and Social Management Framework of the Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project
This Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) is for the proposed Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project (SLEPC) in Cambodia, and prepared by Ministry of...
Indigenous People Planning Framework of the Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project
The Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF) is a safeguard document prepared for the Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project (CSLEP). The IPPF is part of the...
Prakas No. 021 on the classification of environmental impact assessment for development projects
The goal of this Prakas is the classification of environmental impact assessment for development projects which are required to have environmental protection contracts or...
Sub-decree no.19 on establishment of zone management of Siem Pang wildlife sanctuary in Stung Treng province
This sub-decree defines and divides management areas within the Siem Pang wildlife sanctuary, with an area of 133,707.73 hectares located in the Santiphea commune, Thmor Keo...
Sub-decree no.20 on the establishment of Yakaom Yakara lake protected landscape
This sub-decree on the establishment of Yakaom Yakara lake protected landscape, with an area of 132.50 hectares, is located in Seda commune, Lumphat district, Ratanakiri...
Sub-decree no.82 on the establishment of communal land of Preah Monivong Bokor National Park located in the geography of Mak Prang commune Teuk Chhou district Kampot province
The land of 8.60 ha located in the geographical area of Mak Prang commune, Teuk Chhou district, Kampot province has been established as communal area of Preah Monivong Bokor...
Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure
Environmental Conservation Rules
Legislation on the rules on environmental conservation in Myanmar. Available in Burmese and English.
National Environmental Quality (Emission) Guidelines_2015 Dec 29
These national Environmental Quality Emission Guidelines provide the basis for regulation and control of noise and vibration, air emissions, and liquid...
Beneficial Ownership: Tackling Hidden Company Ownership Through Myanmar's EITI Process
This paper focuses on a new and ground-breaking provision of EITI: a requirement for the identities of the real owners – the ‘beneficial owners’ – of extractive industry...
Tree cover data from Global Forest Watch
This file contains tabular data on tree cover, loss, and gain produced by the University of Maryland/Google. For more information on each data set, please visit...
The Protection of Biodiveristy and Wildlife Conservation Bill
Crazier than Fiction: the Elephant Rangers of Laos
Four years ago, as monsoon rain streaked down dusty windows, Sebastien Duffilot, the founder of Laos Elephant Conservation Centre (ECC) in Xayaboury, near Luang Prabang, and I...
ເຂື່ອນໄຟຟານາຂອງໄຊຍະບູລີ: ກາລັງເປັນໄພຂົ່ມຂູຕຄວາມໝັ້ນຄົງດານສະບຽງອາ ຫານໃນຂົງເຂດແມນາຂອງ
A report exploring the impacts of the Xayaburi Dam on food security in the Mekong. The authors outline the importance of the Mekong for food security, and food concerns in...
Prakas No. 121 on the recognition of the "Ang Intha" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Boeng Char village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Ang Intha" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 1,307 hectares is located in Boeng Char village,...
Prakas No. 124 on the recognition of the "Koh Enchey" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas in Koh Enchey village, Boeng Char commune, Sambour commune, Kraite Province
The "Koh Enchey" Community Protected Area of the biodiversity conservation corridor of natural protected areas with the area of 1,380 hectares is located in Koh Enchey village,...
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