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129 datasets found

บทความ: Communal land

  • Land and Forest Governance in the Naga Village Republic

    This report is based on a research project on the Naga customary land tenure system, conducted by Resource Rights for The Indigenous Peoples (RRtIP) in collaboration with Land...

  • Assessment of the Credit Opportunities for Indigenous Communities in Cambodia Holding a Collective Land Title

    To explore the reports that it might be more difficult for members of indigenous communities with collective title to access finance, OHCHR commissioned an in-depth review of...

  • Policy on development of indigenous people

    The​ policy​ aims​ to​ improve​ the​ livelihood​ of​ indigenous​ people​ to​ escape​ from​ hunger​ and​ poverty,​ to​ receive​ formal​ education​ at​ least​ 9​ years​ basic​...

  • Impact of government policies and corporate land grabs on indigenous people’s access to common lands and livelihood resilience in Northeast Cambodia

    This article reveals that land grabbing adversely affects communal solidarity and local governance effectiveness. It also demonstrates how commons grabbing—including land sales...

  • Untitled: tenure insecurity and inequality in the Cambodian land sector

    Eight years have passed since the enactment of the 2001 Land Law, which established a framework for the recognition of land and property rights throughout Cambodia. In 2002 the...

  • Country technical note on indigenous peoples' issues: Kingdom of Cambodia

    To facilitate policy implementation at the country level, IFAD’s Policy on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples (2009) recommended that Country Technical Notes be prepared to...

  • Fundamentals of viable community forestry business models: Preliminary research findings

    Research from seven countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) in the Asia-Pacific region shows that sustainable practices are...

  • Study on communal land registration in Lao PDR

    Field visits to over twenty villages in five different provinces of the Lao PDR have shown that across all ethnic groups, communities use and manage communal lands. Types of...

  • Contribution of Open Data to the Protection of Indigenous People’s Livelihood, Land Security and Natural Resource Sustainability

    The overall objective of this paper is to follow up on the research that aims to understand how indigenous communities’statistics have been widely used in development projects...

  • Using Open Data and Digital Mapping to Aggregate Evidence for Identifying and Protecting Indigenous Peoples’ Lands and Resources in Cambodia

    This paper examines the threats posed to the lands and resources of indigenous peoples in Cambodia, and the difficult process of obtaining communal land titles. It explores the...

  • Policy on registration and right to use of land of indigenous peoples

    The purpose of this policy is to register the indigenous communal land to ensure the land tenure, poverty reduction, national economic development, sustainable land use...

  • Sub-Decree No. 83 on procedures of registration of land of indigenous communities

    This sub-decree is to establish the principle, procedure, and mechanism to register the indigenous community land as the collective ownership with the objective to provide land...

  • Who is really bearing the cost of REDD+? The answer may surprise you

    Estimates of REDD+ costs have long been criticized for excluding transaction and implementation costs and undervaluing informal market activities such as subsistence farming....

  • Directive 01BB in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia: Issues and Impacts of Private Land Titling in Indigenous Communities

    To assess the impact of this new directive and its effects on the relationship between communal land titling and Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) in Ratanakiri, seven NGOs...

  • Journal of forest and livelihood

    The Journal of Forest and Livelihood aims to inform environmental policy process by facilitating dialogue among politicians, professionals, activists, researchers and policy makers

  • Study on urban land management and planning in Lao PDR

    This study analyzes the institutional landscape, processes and track record of urban planning and land management in Lao PDR, and makes recommendations to improve...

  • Experience of the community-based watershed management project in Pakbeng District, Oudomxay Province

    A presentation to a workshop of the Land Information Working Group on a watershed management and communal land titling project in Oudomxay province.

  • Enhancing land ownership through communal land titling and the national land policy

    A presentation of the Land Information Working Group discussing issues related to communal land and policy recommendations for communal land titling and the national land policy.

  • International knowledge sharing and learning workshop on forest and land tenure

    Proceedings from a National Assembly of Laos workshop centered on forest and land tenure rights, with goals to: -learn from the experience of other countries how they have...

  • Instructions on fees and charges for land management

    Instructions on fees and charges for land management

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