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ปรับปรุงครั้งล่าสุด 24 มีนาคม ค.ศ. 2018
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ชื่อ Special Use Forest Vietnam
  • ภาษาอังกฤษ
  • ภาษาเขมร

Data on overlapping land use rights in special-use forests (SUFs) in 2014 is a dataset which is collected by a research of PanNature. The data is referenced in the coordinate system WGS 84 and include the attributes such as category (protected area, national park and habitat/species conservation areas), site name, region, province, established year, decision making agency, area, planning along the time, upgrade planning, overlapped sector, overlapped area, number of affected households, status on the overlapping area, purposes on land and challenges. By 2014, across the country 164 SUFs were established, including 30 national parks, 58 nature reserves, 11 species and habitat conservation areas, 45 conservation areas Landscape and 20 experimental forests scientific rescue. The consequences of SUF are the overlap of "two landowners", disputes over land use rights, forest products as well as management and benefit sharing of the local population in forest protection and development. The creation or expansion of the SUF has evidently led thousands of households to lose the opportunity to increase production land funds; they continue to hinder plant, mining and forestry trade legally in the land they receive from the state.