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ปรับปรุงครั้งล่าสุด 22 ธันวาคม ค.ศ. 2022
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ชื่อ Sub-decree no. 117 on cutting the land of 785772 hectares in Khnar Village, Kach Trak village, Leay Bour commune, and Trapeang Thnal village, Srae Ronoung commune, Tram Kak district, Takeo province from state public property (Broadcasting station and reforestation of Banteay Angkor) and forest cover 2002, reclassified as state private land and granted ownership to H.E. Tan Panhavuth

This sub-decree aims to cut the land area of 785,762 hectares (seventy-eight hectares, five thousand seven hundred and sixty-two cents-acres), of which 61 hectares are located in Khnar village, Leay Bour commune and Trapeang Thnal village, Srae Ronoung commune, Tram Kak district, Takeo province with a land area of 15,615 hectares in Trapeang Thnal village, Srae Ronoung commune, Tram Kak district, Takeo province and 19,612 hectares in Kach Trak village, Leay Bour commune, Tram Kak district, Takeo province, according to the coordinate system Project UTM Zone 48N Datum WGS 1984 as shown placemark in the map and from state public property (Broadcasting station and reforestation of Banteay Angkor) and forest cover 2002, reclassified as state private land and granted ownership to H.E. Tan Panhavuth

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