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7,779 library_records found

ผลการค้นหาสำหรับ: library_record

  • Build Better, Build Right: A New Tool for Sustainable, Climate-Resilient Infrastructure

    Honduras is one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change. With rising temperatures, it has borne the brunt of ever more frequent severe weather...

  • Thailand Issues Third COVID-19 Stimulus Package

    On April 7, 2020, the Thai government issued its third stimulus package worth 1.9 trillion baht (US$58 billion) to mitigate the economic impact caused by the COVID-19 outbreak....

  • Solidarity in precarity: food delivery riders in Thailand’s gig economy

    A summary of our recent research, originally published on On-demand food delivery apps are booming in Thailand, where consumption patterns offer a readily...

  • Informal Workers in Urban Thailand: A Statistical Snapshot

    The Government of Thailand has put in place programmes that extend social security coverage to workers in the informal economy. Additional legal protections are provided to...

  • Thailand’s Seafood Slaves: Human Trafficking, Slavery and Murder in Kantang’s Fishing Industry

    This report builds on over three years of in-depth research and field investigations to first expose abuse and then critically assess claims that slavery and 'pirate' fishing in...

  • ‘Whether you go illegally or legally in the end it’s the same, you’re cheated’ - A study of formal and informal recruitment practices of Lao workers migrating to Thailand

    The research presented in this report would not have been possible without the cooperation of numerous individuals, organisations, and companies. The research team is...

  • Rural-urban migration and employment quality: A case study from Thailand

    This study investigates the effects of rural–urban migration on economic development in Thailand. It draws upon a panel database of 2,000 rural households collected from 2008 to...

  • Open for Business: Colombia’s Data-Driven Procurement Reforms Increase Competition

    Open contracting helps Colombian governments boost participation & competitive tendering in a market where direct awards are common Urgency for reforms came from...

  • Up to 2.7 million Thai travel, hospitality and tourism workers unemployed by September

    The president of the Thai Tourism Industry Council says confidence among Thailand’s tourism business operators fell to the lowest level in a decade during the second quarter...

  • Laos kicks off new school year amid effective COVID-19 control

    Article from Xinhua Net announcing Laos school reopenings

  • COVID-19 crisis and the informal economy Immediate responses and policy challenges

    At the end of April 2020, the number of COVID-19 infections had exceeded 2.8 million cases worldwide, with the death toll nearing 195,000, and 210 countries and territories...

  • COVID-19 employment and labour market impact in Thailand

    The COVID-19 related impact on the economy in Thailand through both direct (generated by domestic lockdown) and indirect (supply and demand shocks in supply chains, including...

  • A Guide to The Thai Green Label Scheme

    The scheme is developed to promote the concept of resource conservation, pollution reduction, and waste management. The purposes of awarding the green label are: • To provide...

  • Mass unemployment the new normal in SE Asia

    A new International Labor Organization report suggests that more than one in six young people worldwide has stopped working since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, while the...

  • NESDC: 14.4m workers at risk

    Thailand may lose up to 14.4 million jobs in the second and third quarters, largely because of the coronavirus outbreak and widespread drought, says the government’s planning...

  • New COVID-19 Guidance Notes on Housing Rights

    Three guidance notes on housing rights issued by the Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing on COVID-19 and the protection of those living in homelessness, informal settlement,...

  • Country Gender Assessment for Lao PDR: Reducing Vulnerability and Increasing Opportunity

    This assessment synthesizes information and findings from recent literature and research on gender issues in Lao PDR for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank’s...

  • Journalism, fake news & disinformation: handbook for journalism education and training

    This book aims to provide a basic guideline and fundamental understanding for all journalists and relevant readers of the term Fake News and Disinformation.

  • Kerry Worldbridge SEZ Breaks Ground

    According to the news published by the Cambodian Construction Association website in 2015​ through URL...

  • กลุ่มชาติพันธุ์ในไทย คนที่ต้องไม่ถูกลืม

    หลังจากสังคมไทยมีความขัดแย้งทำให้ปัญญาชนกลุ่มหนึ่งหนีออกจากเมืองไปอยู่ป่า แล้วพบเข้ากับกลุ่มคนชาติพันธุ์อื่นที่ไม่ได้เรียกตัวเองว่าไทย แต่เป็นกะเลิง ผู้ไท อาข่า มูเซอ อีก้อ เย้า...

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