Decentralization in Cambodia a look at current and future environmental and natural resources governace
Decentralization reform has been an ongoing objective of the Cambodian government to better address local needs, as well as strengthen efficiency of public service delivery and...
Webpage capture of relevant information about Mesco to mine gold
This document was captured from the Phnom Penh Post news on Mesco Gold, an associated company of India-based Mesco Steel, will pay $1.2 million for the rights to mine gold in...
Company profile of Mesco Gold (Cambodia) Ltd
Mesco Gold (Cambodia) Ltd has registered its business registration at Ministry of Commerce in Cambodia as single member private limited company. The objective of its business is...
Notice of establishment of commercial enterprise: Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak Co., Ltd.
These screenshot documents are about information of Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak Co., Ltd registered in the Ministry of Commerce. The information posted on the ministry's website...
Notice of establishment of commercial enterprise: Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak Co., Ltd.
These screenshot documents are about information of Xing Yuan Kanng Yeak Co., Ltd registered in the Ministry of Commerce. The information posted on the ministry's website...
Business registration: Rong Cheng Industrial Investment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
This document shows the Rong Cheng Industrial Investment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.'s information on the registration number, place of registration, board resolution, place of filling...
Business registration: Rong Cheng Industrial Investment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
Rong Cheng Industrial Investment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., is a Single Member Private Limited company which later changed to Private limited company under a resolution on change in...
Business registration: Kampot Cement Co., Ltd.
This screenshot document provides information of Kampot Cement Co., Ltd. registered at the Ministry of Commerce. The Concrete Production Aggregete Co., Ltd has 3946.975 and SCI...
Webpage capture on the news article about Australian company mining gold in Mondulkiri, wants to expand investment to Tbong Khmum province
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on the news article of $263M cement factory in Kampong Speu to start production soon
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about there are 16 companies currently exploring underground metal ores in Oddar Meanchey
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about 5 famous cement factories competing in the Cambodian market
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about Cambodia extracts 9.5 tonnes of gold ore
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about new firm starts gold extraction in Kratie Province
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Webpage capture on news about begin gold refining at new site in Sandan District, Kampong Thom Province by the end of 2023
This webpage capture is the reference for extraction mining's dataset. It contains news articles from local newspapers.
Panel Discussion: Global Index on Responsible AI: Cambodia (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
This insightful discussion features two panelists: Ms. Heang Omuoy, CEO of ADITI Co., Ltd, and Mr. Merl Chandana, Team Lead of the Data, Algorithms, and Policy (DAP) team at...
Presentation: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Rights in Southeast Asia (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
In this presentation, Dr. Marc Piñol Rovira, Research Manager and oversees the operations of the research team at Asia Centre, providing insights and explanations on this...
Panel Discussion: Draft Law on Cybercrime Law in Cambodia (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
Esteemed speaker for the panel Discussion on the topic: "Draft Law on Cybercrime Law in Cambodia," is Lt. Col. Chhay Bunrommanith. The discussion is moderated by Dr. Marc Piñol...
Opening Ceremony (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
The ceremony was a smooth and successful event, proceeded with the presence of H.E. Dr. Sam Sethserey, Director General of the General Department of Information and...
List of operators operating telecommunication services
A list of operators operating this telecommunications service provides the name of the licensed company, address and contact number.
You can also access this registry using the API (see คู่มือ API).